Jkeiser's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,24512,508chef-metalA library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef.
219,93915,122chef-metal-fogDriver for creating Fog instances in Chef Metal.
323,91624,476busser-bashA Busser runner plugin for testing bash scripts
432,95220,194chef-metal-vagrantDriver for creating Vagrant instances in Chef Metal.
534,97655,867knife-easybakeMaking Easybake Possible
652,75323,206chef-metal-dockerProvisioner for creating Docker containers in Chef Metal.
753,04024,476chef-metal-lxcProvisioner for creating LXC containers in Chef Metal.
884,29255,867hodorhodorHodor hodor hodor hodor hodor
9141,65555,867knife-opc-backupBackup and Restore of OPC
10143,04034,769chef-provisioning-hanlonProvisioner for creating hanlon PXE policies and models with Chef Provisioning.
11146,79940,963chef-resourceCreate composable, idempotent, patchy APIs with disturbing ease