1 | 14,151 | 18,229 | chef-metal | A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef. |
2 | 19,861 | 51,220 | chef-metal-fog | Driver for creating Fog instances in Chef Metal. |
3 | 23,754 | 29,512 | busser-bash | A Busser runner plugin for testing bash scripts |
4 | 32,819 | 51,220 | chef-metal-vagrant | Driver for creating Vagrant instances in Chef Metal. |
5 | 34,838 | 51,220 | knife-easybake | Making Easybake Possible |
6 | 52,630 | 29,512 | chef-metal-docker | Provisioner for creating Docker containers in Chef Metal. |
7 | 52,929 | 51,220 | chef-metal-lxc | Provisioner for creating LXC containers in Chef Metal. |
8 | 84,186 | 51,220 | hodorhodor | Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor |
9 | 141,409 | 51,220 | knife-opc-backup | Backup and Restore of OPC |
10 | 142,872 | 51,220 | chef-provisioning-hanlon | Provisioner for creating hanlon PXE policies and models with Chef Provisioning. |
11 | 146,630 | 51,220 | chef-resource | Create composable, idempotent, patchy APIs with disturbing ease |