Mrbrdo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,54741,086has_moderatedModerated fields or whole model instances are serialized and saved into a separate mode...
224,99041,086datasourceRuby library to automatically preload data for your serializers
325,32961,367theineA Rails preloader for JRuby
439,91361,367rack-webconsole-pryRack-based console inside your web applications, using pry
541,88618,157mina-extrasProvides extra Mina deploy tasks for Puma, RVM, Faye.
642,52061,367serialize-railsRails attribute serialization into yaml, json, xml and with ruby marshal.
742,60923,402active_record_group_countEfficient Rails group count if you need the summed up count instead of the hash. Can be...
872,57425,716nullobject_chainChain methods on nil without getting exceptions.
979,37429,456najdi-smsSend SMSes through (slovenian site).
1097,66461,367spring-jrubyPreloads your application so things like console, rake and tests run faster
11131,85961,367active_loadersRuby library to automatically preload data for your Active Model Serializers
12132,64661,367spree_mobilityProvides model translation, localization, globalization features for Spreecommerce. Bas...