Coorasse's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1607912cancancanSimple authorization solution for Rails. All permissions are stored in a single location.
28,1317,814cancancan-mongoidImplements CanCanCan's rule-based record fetching using Mongoid.
312,4519,279heroku-api-postgresRuby library to invoke Heroku Postgres APIs
412,77429,456i18n-docsGEM providing helper scripts to manage i18n translations in Google Docs. Features: chec...
518,5007,125passkitPasskit offers you a full Rails engine to serve Wallet Passes for iOS and Android in pk...
620,04041,086renuo-cliThe Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...
722,56411,504norobotsA rack middleware that blocks all bots when BLOCK_ROBOTS environment variable is set to...
823,17510,140rails_api_loggerLog inbound and outbound API requests in your Rails application
940,68641,086dato-railsThis gem allows you to fetch data using Dato GraphQL APIs and render the content in you...
1042,25711,055so_many_devicesThis incomplete but very satisfying list of devices, will help you run your app on so m...
1149,33061,367schulze-voteThis gem is a Ruby implementation of the Schulze voting method (with help of the Floyd-...
1257,99629,456webpacker-pwawebpacker-pwa enables you to serve service workers with webpack-dev-server
1383,01741,086rack-canonical-headerA canonical URL tag for better SEO and to prevent search engines from crawling differen...
1484,19420,275renuocopRenuo default style guide, linter, and formatter.
1588,06261,367solidus_product_attachmentsA gem to attach files to a product / variant
1691,99461,367airesis_i18nAiresis contains only English as default language. This gem contains all the other lang...
1798,46561,367rails-bootstrap-uiRails 3.1 gem that installs Twitter Bootstrap CSS and JS files, patches for will_pagina...
18109,43941,086nickname_generatorThe library helps you building random nicknames based on a list of real names. You can ...
19112,70061,367airesis_metis_graphMy first gem
20115,91833,893omniauth-tecnologiedemocraticheOmniauth Strategy to connect via Tecnologie Democratiche
21118,76161,367solidus_simple_sale_priceWith this plugin its possible to have static sales per product
22119,18429,456pingen-clientThis gem allows you to connect to Pingen API and use the services provided
23138,70361,367resque-maktoubA simple asynchronousnewsletter engine for rails powered by resque.
24155,35261,367polymer_formBuild awesome forms with Polymer and Rails
25176,28461,367validation_errorsEasily track all the validation errors on your database so that you can analyse them.
26176,75218,157moiraiThis gem allows you to manage translation strings in real time, viewing the live ch...