Jayroh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7892,429griddlerSimplify receiving email in Rails
210,16812,580threddedThe best Rails 6.0+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...
314,58113,181db_text_searchDifferent relational databases treat text search very differently. DbTextSearch provide...
423,77128,396thredded_create_appGenerates a Rails app with Thredded installed.
547,99228,396thredded-markdown_katexAdds TeX math support to Thredded markup via KaTeX.
673,48411,197better_image_tagFrom lazy loading, to inline image contents, to fetching unknown width and height, to n...
778,72548,058thredded-markdown_coderayA Thredded plugin that highlights code syntax in your Markdown posts via Coderay.
8107,04270,066thredded_resquethredded_resque adds resque, and resque-mailer support to thredded
9123,78248,058thredded-bbcodeAdds basic BBCode support to Thredded via the bbcoder gem.
10130,96548,058pseudohelpProvides a view partial to display documentation on the bbcode, markdown and textile fl...
11149,41170,066jekyll-imgproxy-tagjekyll plugin to generate urls to secure imgproxy images
12175,88238,544pgchiefA simple ruby script to manage postgresql databases and users