1 | 80 | 73 | puma | Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server
for Ruby/Ra... |
2 | 130 | 146 | terminal-table | Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library |
3 | 696 | 838 | benchmark-ips | A iterations per second enhancement to Benchmark. |
4 | 719 | 858 | rack-mini-profiler | Profiling toolkit for Rack applications with Rails integration. Client Side profiling, ... |
5 | 9,040 | 5,073 | puma-heroku | A Puma plugin that contains the default Heroku config |
6 | 53,014 | 26,794 | rpw | A CLI for the Rails Performance Workshop. |
7 | 91,383 | 80,608 | cbuilder | Create CSV structures with a Builder-style DSL |
8 | 98,979 | 56,740 | skp | A CLI for Sidekiq in Practice. |
9 | 136,461 | 138,048 | rack-chrome_frame | Insert a Chrome Frame install prompt for IE requests |
10 | 152,712 | 138,048 | rack_http_preload | Add rel=preload headers to Rack applications |
11 | 176,362 | 80,608 | rails_http_preload | Automatically add a `link` header directing clients to `preconnect` to your `asset_host... |
12 | 183,321 | 101,206 | nate | No dead trees |
13 | 183,376 | 138,048 | speedshop | It's a placeholder! |