Ddoherty57's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,75263,432fat_coreUseful extensions to Date, String, Range and other classes including useful Date extens...
232,86241,916fat_tableFatTable is a gem that treats tables as a data type. It provides methods for constr...
362,73463,432fat_periodImplements a Period class as a Range of Dates.
467,16663,432erbtexerbtex will act just like pdflatex except that it will process rub...
5123,60263,432byrIn the spririt of ledger, use text files to track your finances, but use Emacs org mode...
6128,72425,458labratLabrat is a linux command-line program for quickly printing labels. Labrat uses the wo...
7143,29863,432calc_profitLibrary for calculation od Section 16 short-swing profits
8160,03663,432bondyLibrary for performing bond calculations
9175,47863,432law_docA set of classes for legal document elements such as Document, Case, Lawyer, Party, Cou...
10175,54463,432ydlYdl provides a way to supply a ruby app with initialized objects by allowing the user t...