Uasi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,73911,752garage_clientRuby client library for the Garage API
210,09118,351chankoChanko is a Rails extension tool
313,07513,399the_garageGarage extends your RESTful, Hypermedia APIs as a Platform
415,78210,392blousonFilter tools to mask sensitive data in various logs
525,59421,532guard_against_physical_deleteA monkey patch for ActiveRecord to prevent physical deletion.
641,53853,556pixivA client library for pixiv
7100,82486,038ruboty-qiita_anti_spamRuboty plug-in for Qiita's internal anti-spam system.
8102,48842,025ruboty-jobcanRuboty plug-in for punching the clock on JOBCAN.
9124,71335,920jbcnClient for Jobcan