Dougui22's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,17363,432activeform-railsEnable to use the concept of form objects with ActiveModel
231,12263,432acts_as_pagesimple gem which include globalize and frienly id
331,99141,916activeadmin-globalize3Handles globalize3 translations
433,53841,916frontendeditorThis is an editor for any rails application
538,94063,432frontendeditor_ckeditorThis is an editor for any rails application
641,02313,614sbireSbire is a command line tool that recognize your voice and execute commands linked
781,50463,432smart_managingEasy way to create a managing interface.
882,60963,432minimalist_cmsThis is the simpler cms ever
985,49663,432simple_form_markdown_editor_bootstrapThis is an markdown editor for simple_form
1086,21563,432activeadmin-globalize3-douguiHandles globalize3 translations
11136,82463,432lafeber_ckeditorCKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages
12155,47663,432smart_managementSmartManagement is designed to be simple to use and to customize. It allows to crea...
13160,16063,432crud_concernJust include the concern and you will be able to do CRUD operations