Sugaryourcoffee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,94061,367sycsvproProcessing of csv files
236,75025,716syc-task= Simple task organizer syctask can be used to create, plan, prioritize and schedule ta...
359,76441,086syclinkCreate a link list and display it in a HTML file
472,19541,086syc-backup= Backup utility for database, folders and files Backs up a MySQL database, folders and...
584,80661,367syc-spector== Welcome to syc-spector home :: == D...
686,80161,367syc-barcode= Barcode Creating barcodes (at the moment only Interleaved2of5). == Usage Create the...
7109,43961,367syc-ontactLookup contacts from any source by providing customized source files
8147,57761,367timeleapDynamically create date methods to jump through time