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= Simple task organizer syctask can be used to create, plan, prioritize and schedule tasks. ==Install The application can be installed with $ gem install syc-task == Usage syctask provides basic task organizer functions as create, update, list and complete a task. Additional functions are to plan tasks you want to accomplish today. If you are not sure in which sequence to conduct the task you can prioritize them with a pair wise comparisson. You can time tasks with start and stop and you can finally extract tasks from a minutes of meetings file. The schedule task command will print a graphical timeline of the working day assigning the planned tasks to the timeline. Busy times are marked red. Meetings are listed with associated tasks that are assigned to the meetings. With the statistics command you can print statistical evaluation of tasks duration and count. ===Create tasks with new Create a new task in the default task directory ~/.tasks $ syctask new "My first task" Provide a description $ syctask new "My first task" --description "Explanation of my first task" Schedule a task with a follow-up and due date $ syctask new "My first task" --follow-up "2013-02-25" --due "2013-03-11" Set a proirity for a task $ syctask new "My first task" --prio 3 Prompt for task input $ syctask new will prompt for task titles. Ctrl-D will end input. Except for --description you can also provide short forms for the options. ===Create tasks by scanning from files When writing minutes of meetings tasks that should be followed up in syctask can be annotated so they will be recognized by the scan command. The following structure shows how to annotade tasks Some text before @task; title;description;follow_up;due_date,prio Schedule meeting;Invite all developers;2016-09-12;2016-10-12;1 Write letter;Practice writing letters;;;3 Some text after The above annotation will only scan the next task because of the singular 'task' where the task values are separated with ';'. Th...


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