1 | 5,257 | 7,552 | groupify | Adds group and membership functionality to Rails models |
2 | 6,696 | 35,920 | omniauth-jira | A JIRA OAuth 1.0a strategy for OmniAuth. |
3 | 26,175 | 17,444 | greased-rails | Reusable default application settings, environment variables, and deployment tasks. |
4 | 28,731 | 53,556 | trusty | Trusty is a configuration and utilities library. |
5 | 32,516 | 42,025 | rack-cloudflare | Deal with Cloudflare features in Rack-based apps. |
6 | 36,885 | 86,038 | pagelime-rack | The Pagelime Rack Middleware will process outgoing HTML, look for editable areas, and r... |
7 | 40,553 | 86,038 | taps2 | A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database. |
8 | 43,221 | 53,556 | pagelime-rails | Pagelime Rails Plugin |
9 | 78,893 | 53,556 | accounting | An abstraction layer to help deal with accounting in applications. |
10 | 79,598 | 53,556 | cloudcheckr | Ruby client for CloudCheckr API. |
11 | 91,384 | 86,038 | apps | Easily integrate with multiple platform apps/add-ins/add-ons marketplaces. |
12 | 95,086 | 24,968 | marketing | An abstraction layer to help deal with marketing in applications. |
13 | 98,135 | 86,038 | figaro-backup | Make sure configuration files are symlinked to Dropbox. |
14 | 114,468 | 53,556 | warehouse | Utilities for managing data and workflows in handy ways. |
15 | 115,749 | 86,038 | directory | An abstraction layer to help deal with directory in applications. |
16 | 115,958 | 86,038 | clients | Handy toolkit and DSL for creating HTTP clients. |
17 | 119,733 | 53,556 | background | An abstraction layer to help deal with background processing in applications. |
18 | 128,696 | 53,556 | crm | An abstraction layer to help deal with crm in applications. |
19 | 129,685 | 53,556 | charge | An abstraction layer to help deal with charges in applications. |
20 | 130,628 | 42,025 | network | An abstraction layer to help deal with network in applications. |
21 | 130,958 | 53,556 | datamining | An abstraction layer to help deal with datamining in applications. |
22 | 132,698 | 42,025 | groups | An abstraction layer to help deal with groups in applications. |
23 | 134,471 | 42,025 | mailroom | Handles all application email-related data and distribution |
24 | 136,289 | 42,025 | hosting | An abstraction layer to help deal with hosting in applications. |
25 | 136,425 | 53,556 | crayons | Tools to customize CSS colors and such things, particularly for multi-site apps. |
26 | 136,711 | 42,025 | infrastructure | An abstraction layer to help deal with infrastructure in applications. |
27 | 138,004 | 42,025 | invite | An abstraction layer to help deal with invites in applications. |
28 | 138,396 | 86,038 | reporting | An abstraction layer to help deal with reporting in applications. |
29 | 139,860 | 53,556 | organization | An abstraction layer to help deal with organization in applications. |
30 | 140,126 | 53,556 | shopping | An abstraction layer to help deal with shopping in applications. |
31 | 141,155 | 53,556 | stampede | Stampede makes dealing with application-related emails easier. |
32 | 154,414 | 42,025 | tilt-twig | This gem allows you to compile Twig templates within Ruby applications that support Til... |
33 | 157,541 | 53,556 | office365 | Office365 API client for Ruby apps |
34 | 168,072 | 53,556 | endpoints | Handy toolkit and DSL to create HTTP endpoints. |
35 | 169,020 | 53,556 | loading | Utilities to load data in handy ways. |
36 | 169,456 | 53,556 | parsing | Utilities to parse input in handy ways. |
37 | 169,768 | 53,556 | rendering | Utilities to render output in handy ways. |
38 | 169,917 | 53,556 | querying | Utilities to query data in handy ways. |
39 | 170,204 | 53,556 | persisting | Utilities to persisting data in handy ways. |