Rdmosolgo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1284218graphqlA plain-Ruby implementation of GraphQL.
2636374graphql-clientA Ruby library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries
38031,058graphiql-railsUse the GraphiQL IDE for GraphQL with Ruby on Rails. This gem includes an engine, a con...
41,1681,541react-railsRender components in views or controller actions. Server-side rendering powered by Exec...
54,7472,130graphql-c_parserA parser for GraphQL, implemented as a C extension
613,17932,988graphql-relayDefine global ids, connections and mutations to use GraphQL and Relay with a Ruby server.
714,92153,263graphql-libgraphqlparserUse Libgraphqlparser to parse queries for the GraphQL gem
822,88858,846react-rails-hot-loaderTie into the `react-rails` gem to notify the client of changed files & reload asset...
937,03725,474graphql-relay-walkerA tool for traversing your GraphQL schema to proactively detect potential data access v...
1037,64220,064css_modulesProvides a css-module-like experience to Sass/SCSS, Rails views and JavaScript
1150,55024,564brambleDistribute map-reduce tasks with ActiveJob, storing the results in Redis (or another ba...
1251,30225,474batman-rails-floUses Facebook's "fb-flo" package to live-update JS code.
1351,46068,530graphql-previewProvide a system for toggling parts of a GraphQL schema on.
1472,47268,530graphql-streamingTools for GraphQL over a long-lived connection
1582,55258,846graphql-parallelExtend the GraphQL gem by allowing for one level of asynchronous field resolution.
1698,13668,530skyblue_railsSkyBlue is a Bootstrap-like style framework written in Sass. `skyblue_rails` adds SkyBl...
17124,29168,530aiddataRuby Client for the AidData REST API
18134,08297,080jsxTransform JSX to JavaScript from Ruby. Includes a Tilt template for use with Sinatra (o...
19161,358117,678mtg_rbParse MTGJSON and build a tree of Ruby objects