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Render components in views or controller actions. Server-side rendering powered by ExecJS. Transform JSX in the asset pipeline or use Shakapacker.
Ranking: 1,161 of 184,150
Downloads: 31,049,063
Ranking: 1,405 of 184,132
Downloads: 17,368
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
4,804 | 1,312,291 | playbook_ui |
10,805 | 216,835 | tenon |
11,000 | 208,646 | pageflow |
14,227 | 128,013 | revelry_core |
17,036 | 93,138 | reactive-record |
18,547 | 81,510 | reactive-ruby |
19,480 | 75,222 | disco_app |
22,192 | 61,809 | react-router-rails |
22,799 | 59,464 | react-rails-hot-loader |
23,282 | 57,797 | hyper-operation |
24,765 | 52,945 | react-rails-img |
25,925 | 49,599 | hyper-router |
27,501 | 45,655 | hyper-store |
27,593 | 45,458 | hyperloop |
30,941 | 38,747 | hyper-component |
31,912 | 37,205 | hyper-spec |
33,907 | 34,357 | hyper-model |
37,304 | 30,171 | pages_core |
40,130 | 27,499 | hyper-mesh |
42,412 | 25,614 | goldencobra |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,540,947,126 | bundler |
36 | 615,994,630 | tilt |
41 | 587,660,996 | rails |
43 | 578,662,973 | railties |
86 | 410,330,794 | connection_pool |
107 | 346,624,686 | execjs |
119 | 301,998,655 | listen |
135 | 269,123,747 | capybara |
136 | 268,084,601 | selenium-webdriver |
162 | 234,518,472 | jbuilder |
169 | 224,331,339 | pry-byebug |
181 | 211,649,990 | coffee-rails |
314 | 119,316,478 | guard |
656 | 69,170,329 | test-unit |
912 | 44,032,094 | babel-transpiler |
1,064 | 35,098,088 | turbo-rails |
1,667 | 16,021,621 | codeclimate-test-reporter |
2,001 | 10,156,357 | minitest-retry |
2,084 | 9,239,185 | appraisal |
2,383 | 6,999,971 | guard-minitest |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | zpao | |
2 | rdmosolgo | |
3 | BookOfGreg | |
4 | railsonmaui |