Namelessjon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,48039,646merb-coreMerb. Pocket rocket web framework.
29,78534,617merb-assetsMerb plugin for supporting assets
39,89943,535merbThe Merb stack
410,36268,530merb_datamapperMerb plugin that provides support for datamapper
510,52058,846merb-hamlMerb plugin for HAML support
610,66234,617merb-helpersMerb plugin containing view helpers
710,87153,263merb-slicesMerb plugin that supports reusable application 'slices'.
810,87430,896merb-param-protectionMerb plugin that helps protecting sensible parameters
911,12958,846merb-mailerMerb plugin for mailer support
1011,79330,896merb-exceptionsMerb plugin that supports exception notification
1111,89758,846merb-cacheMerb plugin for supporting assets
1211,92843,535merb-action-argsMerb plugin that supports controller action arguments
1311,97330,896merb-genMerb plugin containing useful code generators
1412,16229,727merb-auth-coreAn Authentication framework for Merb
1512,17139,646merb-auth-moreAddons for merb-auth-core
1612,80134,617merb-authMerb plugin that provides authentication support
1713,51932,988merb-auth-slice-passwordMerb Slice with password UI support
1817,17523,174encrypted_cookieEncrypted session cookies for Rack
1940,48432,988openlogcleanerCleans OpenRPG Logs Logs are presented in an easy to read manner, stripped of the nois...
2041,97143,535merb_partsMerb plugin that provides Part Controllers.
2142,07958,846sovaaCouchDB library
2245,32937,265exalted_mathParsing and evaluation of simple maths expressions for Exalted This intended to aid in...
2346,15068,530feed_meNice and simple RSS and atom feed parsing built on hpricot
2467,29958,846dm-gendm-gen is a simple commandline tool for generating DataMapper related files. It include...
2567,52168,530defined_hashDefined hashlike objects, with validations. For simple schema definitions and checking...
2683,65568,530merb_cucumberCucumber integration for Merb
2792,23897,080todoistThe todoist gem offers convinience methods and wrappers for the todoist list management...
2892,834117,678namelessjon-couchrestCouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as ...
2995,03477,965wiki_libA simple library to wrap around some common wiki operations Currently only PMWiki is su...
30123,473117,678namelessjon-twitter_oauthA fork of twitter_oauth library. With added yajl (and that's it)