1 | 17,706 | 41,916 | concerto_remote_video | Adds support for remotely hosted videos, like YouTube or vimeo, in Concerto 2 |
2 | 17,816 | 63,432 | concerto_simple_rss | Simple support to render RSS content in Concerto 2. |
3 | 19,065 | 63,432 | concerto_weather | Show the current weather and a short forecast in the sidebar of Concerto 2. |
4 | 21,844 | 63,432 | bandshell | Client-side tools for Concerto digital signage |
5 | 22,560 | 63,432 | concerto_frontend | A Ruby Gem that contains the Concerto polymer frontend. |
6 | 23,203 | 41,916 | concerto_hardware | A Rails Engine for managing Bandshell-powered Concerto hardware |
7 | 23,373 | 63,432 | concerto_iframe | Adds support for custom iframes, in Concerto 2 |
8 | 23,708 | 63,432 | concerto_calendar | Simple support to render google calendar v2/v3 or iCal content in Concerto 2. |
9 | 38,005 | 63,432 | concerto_docsplit | Docsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart
documents i... |
10 | 42,686 | 63,432 | concerto_cas_auth | Authorize Concerto users with CAS |
11 | 47,996 | 63,432 | concerto_frontend_vue | A Ruby Gem that contains the Concerto Digital Signage Vue.js frontend. |
12 | 48,149 | 63,432 | concerto_template_scheduling | Schedule templates for screens in Concerto. |
13 | 54,915 | 63,432 | concerto_audio | Add streaming audio such as shoutcast to Concerto 2. |
14 | 62,143 | 63,432 | concerto_identity | Provides an abstraction between multiple single sign on identities and Concerto users |
15 | 71,494 | 63,432 | concerto_content_scheduling | Add more content scheduling options. |
16 | 72,164 | 63,432 | concerto_emergency | Broadcast emergency alerts on Concerto screens. |
17 | 72,445 | 41,916 | concerto_manykinds | Display multiple types of content in the same template field in Concerto. |
18 | 125,484 | 63,432 | concerto_screencontent | Display active content assigned to current screen |
19 | 144,395 | 63,432 | vellum | A Rails engine to provide help pages for Concerto |
20 | 158,678 | 63,432 | swhd_api | A helper gem to access the solarwinds helpdesk api |