1 | 8,809 | 7,415 | identicon | A simple github-like identicons generator. |
2 | 33,611 | 17,843 | ssh-fingerprint | Generate a fingerprint given an SSH public key (without `ssh-keygen` or external depend... |
3 | 35,407 | 6,986 | lucide-rails | Ruby on Rails views helper method for rendering Lucide icons. |
4 | 63,565 | 26,008 | xcellus | Xcellus leverages a native extension to create XLSX files. It is an 'ugly'
generato... |
5 | 90,324 | 37,317 | has_gravatar | Dead simple Gravatar URL generator |
6 | 133,423 | 32,817 | logrb | Small logger inspired by Go's Zap |
7 | 136,415 | 28,914 | docrb-html | Docrb's HTML Generator |
8 | 146,930 | 46,004 | giter8 | giter8 implements giter8 rendering mechanisms |
9 | 153,712 | 20,028 | cocov_plugin_kit | PluginKit implements helpers for running Cocov plugins |
10 | 111,702 | 15,952 | pagu | Pagu is a concurrent task abstraction library, allowing parallel tasks
to be execut... |
11 | 160,784 | 69,639 | ascm | ASCM reads ENV varaibles into a class, providing methods to ensure a setting
is ava... |
12 | 160,833 | 26,008 | docrb | An opinionated documentation parser |
13 | 156,858 | 48,422 | yarp-datum | A Lightweight Data Layer for Ruby |
14 | 144,131 | 65,270 | nextstat | NeXTStat client library |
15 | 174,312 | 69,639 | prohibited-usernames | ProhibitedUsernames provides an extensive list of usernames not supposed to be availabl... |
16 | 176,719 | 69,639 | docrb-parser | docrb-parser is responsible for parsing Ruby sources into a structured
format for usag... |
17 | 152,482 | 44,421 | graf-ruby | Provides utilities to emit GraĆ’ events |
18 | 180,077 | 69,639 | exec2 | Small interface wrapping Process::spawn |
19 | 180,432 | 69,639 | sjson | Sjson handles json streams |
20 | 180,878 | 69,639 | caps | Caps parses CSS into Abstract Syntax Trees |
21 | 182,478 | 69,639 | cbor.rb | Pure-Ruby implementation of CBOR |
22 | 183,361 | 46,004 | arf | Opinionated RPC framework for inter-process, inter-application communication |