Heyvito's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,8097,415identiconA simple github-like identicons generator.
233,61117,843ssh-fingerprintGenerate a fingerprint given an SSH public key (without `ssh-keygen` or external depend...
335,4076,986lucide-railsRuby on Rails views helper method for rendering Lucide icons.
463,56526,008xcellusXcellus leverages a native extension to create XLSX files. It is an 'ugly' generato...
590,32437,317has_gravatarDead simple Gravatar URL generator
6133,42332,817logrbSmall logger inspired by Go's Zap
7136,41528,914docrb-htmlDocrb's HTML Generator
8146,93046,004giter8giter8 implements giter8 rendering mechanisms
9153,71220,028cocov_plugin_kitPluginKit implements helpers for running Cocov plugins
10111,70215,952paguPagu is a concurrent task abstraction library, allowing parallel tasks to be execut...
11160,78469,639ascmASCM reads ENV varaibles into a class, providing methods to ensure a setting is ava...
12160,83326,008docrbAn opinionated documentation parser
13156,85848,422yarp-datumA Lightweight Data Layer for Ruby
14144,13165,270nextstatNeXTStat client library
15174,31269,639prohibited-usernamesProhibitedUsernames provides an extensive list of usernames not supposed to be availabl...
16176,71969,639docrb-parserdocrb-parser is responsible for parsing Ruby sources into a structured format for usag...
17152,48244,421graf-rubyProvides utilities to emit GraĆ’ events
18180,07769,639exec2Small interface wrapping Process::spawn
19180,43269,639sjsonSjson handles json streams
20180,87869,639capsCaps parses CSS into Abstract Syntax Trees
21182,47869,639cbor.rbPure-Ruby implementation of CBOR
22183,36146,004arfOpinionated RPC framework for inter-process, inter-application communication