Sds's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1136616childprocessThis gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs...
29761,240mock_redisInstantiate one with `redis =` and treat it like you would a normal Redis...
31,031464haml_lintConfigurable tool for writing clean and consistent HAML
41,3872,299scss_lintConfigurable tool for writing clean and consistent SCSS
51,5061,485db-query-matchersRSpec matchers for database queries
61,5131,526overcommitUtility to install, configure, and extend Git hooks
73,1283,150slim_lintConfigurable tool for writing clean and consistent Slim templates
83,29210,161scss-lintMOVED: See `scss_lint` (with an underscore) for up-to-date project
95,5595,706haml-lint(MOVED) See haml_lint gem (with an underscore)
108,65724,456arcanusTool for working with encrypted secrets in repositories
1134,73340,310gerritTool providing an effective CLI workflow with Gerrit
1239,38819,489pubsubhubPubSubHub allows you to loosen the coupling between components in a system by providing...
1351,12840,310buffetBuffet distributes RSpec test cases over multiple machines.
1472,34440,310chef-relevant-testsOnly run the Chef tests that you need to run
1586,92840,310proposeCreate, manipulate, and verify propositional logic sentences
16113,62540,310navoTest Chef cookbooks in Docker containers
17141,38140,310dockTwenty methods for ten different adapters
18150,00840,310lint_trappingsFramework for writing static analysis tools (a.k.a. linters)