Kddnewton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8811,483syntax_treeA parser based on ripper
21,8961,485prettier_printA drop-in replacement for the prettyprint gem with more functionality.
31,952425prismPrism Ruby parser
43,6063,507prettierprettier plugin for the Ruby programming language
54,2612,872syntax_tree-rbsSyntax Tree support for RBS
64,3062,930syntax_tree-hamlSyntax Tree support for Haml
75,7605,355yarpPrism Ruby parser
88,4278,280fast_underscoreProvides a C-optimized method for underscoring a string
98,69011,593humidifierProgrammatically generate and manage AWS CloudFormation templates, stacks, and change s...
1010,8708,598thor-hollabackAdds callbacks to thor commands
1110,9848,598hollabackAdd callbacks to your methods
1215,10112,264attribute_extrasBuilds macros to automatically manipulate your models' attributes.
1332,12725,447snip_snipLets you know what you selected that you shouldn't have
1441,65448,759paperweightHandles Paperclip attachments in the background
1552,00513,972active_record-union_relationCreate ActiveRecord relations from UNIONs
1659,26848,759adequate_serializationSerializes objects adequately
1762,96240,597prevalAutomatically optimizes your Ruby code
1863,32965,653humidifier-reservoirReservoir is a plugin for the humidifier gem that allows you to specify CloudFormat...
1965,77465,653rack-queriesA page in your app for pre-built queries
2066,5668,319rails-pattern_matchingPattern matching for Rails applications
2167,78148,759iseq_rails_toolsAllows you to take advantage of ruby's AOT bytecode generation within a Rails project.
2269,84648,759onigmoA Ruby wrapper around the onigmo regular expression library
2371,19518,865gemfilelintLint your Gemfile!
2474,30616,623sorbet-eraserErase all traces of sorbet-runtime code.
2576,03948,759vernacularAllows extending ruby's syntax and compilation process
2681,19029,107docx_toolsAn API for managing merge fields within docx files
2789,24365,653ragel-bitmapUse bitmaps for ragel-generated code instead of arrays
2889,68027,052fast_camelizeProvides a C-optimized method for camelizing a string
2995,80048,759minitest-keywordUse Minitest assertions with keyword arguments
3095,94935,376fast_parameterizeProvides a C-optimized method for parameterizing a string
31107,73165,653bundler-consoleA bundler plugin that starts a console session with your gem dependencies.
32112,43048,759tiny_structBuild Struct classes that do less.
33114,95065,653helpful_commentsYay helpful comments.
34116,03365,653mtg_apiQuery for cards, sets, and boosters against the mtgapi.com API
35116,10665,653vernacular-astExtends Vernacular to support rewriting the AST
36125,23865,653cogitoA ruby library that wraps libcogito
37135,58065,653stack_pathA Ruby client for the StackPath CDN API
38138,50912,607syntax_tree-xmlSyntax Tree support for XML
39148,63748,759ragel-arrayProvides an efficient uint8_t array
40153,74448,759unicode-dataA Ruby port of the unicode character data
41157,45140,597syntax_tree-jsonSyntax Tree support for JSON
42158,95048,759musicxmlRuby bindings for musicxml
43169,81665,653regular_expressionRegular expressions in Ruby
44175,66765,653syntax_tree-cssSyntax Tree support for CSS
45175,71565,653syntax_tree-bfSyntax Tree support for Brainf***
46176,76465,653syntax_tree-translatorTranslate Syntax Tree into other representations
47181,14965,653parser-prismA prism parser backend