Seoanezonjic's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,148138,048full_lengther_nextFULL-LENGTHERNEXT is a tool adapted to NGS technologies, able to work in parallel and i...
234,73524,037autoflow"Autoflow makes easy to launch big pipelines on a queue system. Only works with SLURM &...
366,56135,906report_htmlHtml reports based on erb, HTML5 and javascript libraries.
487,44443,933petsPETS suite includes three different tools. CohortAnalyzer performs the calculation of s...
587,48049,578NetAnalyzerNetAnalyzer is a useful network analysis tool developed in Ruby that can 1) analyse any...
688,46756,740semtoolsThis gem allows to perform ontology based operations and calculation of Semantic simila...
7152,331138,048gene_assemblerUse this siftware with techniques like genecapture
8165,751101,206make_circosHelper that generate preconfigured conf files of the CIRCOS suite.
9175,723138,048expcalcTo expand ruby math operations this gem call to others such as Numo:narray and others a...
10177,267101,206cmdtabsToolset to merge, colapse tables rename field contents, etc