Palkan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1273602autoprefixer-railsParse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website.
2810409test-profRuby applications tests profiling tools. Contains tools to analyze factories usage...
31,434937ruby-next-coreRuby Next Core is a zero deps version of Ruby Next meant to be used as as dependenc...
41,4931,191anyway_configConfiguration DSL for Ruby libraries and applications. Allows you to easily follow ...
52,6472,279isolatorDetect non-atomic interactions within DB transactions
62,6932,514action-cable-testingTesting utils for Action Cable
72,8812,504anycable-railsAnyCable integration for Rails
83,0171,899action_policyAuthorization framework for Ruby/Rails application
93,0472,524anycableAnyCable is a polyglot replacement for ActionCable-compatible servers
103,3522,413anycable-coreAnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP...
114,0593,038n_plus_one_controlRSpec and Minitest matchers to prevent N+1 queries problem. Evaluates code under c...
124,2266,154litecableFat-free ActionCable implementation for using with AnyCable (and without Rails)
134,3874,298action_policy-graphqlAction Policy integration for GraphQL-Ruby
144,6834,706imatcherImage comparison lib built on top of ChunkyPNG
154,9173,547logidzePostgreSQL JSONB-based model changes tracking
165,0504,706graphql-anycableA drop-in replacement for GraphQL ActionCable subscriptions for AnyCable.
175,6652,864rubocop-mdRun Rubocop against your Markdown files to make sure that code examples follow style gu...
185,8872,701anycable-rails-coreAnyCable integration for Rails (w/o RPC dependencies)
196,1103,825store_attributeActiveRecord extension which adds typecasting to store accessors
206,4044,972clowneA flexible gem for cloning your models.
216,5073,471ruby-nextRuby Next is a collection of polyfills and a transpiler for supporting latest and upcom...
226,6043,473ruby-next-parserParser extension to support edge and experimental Ruby syntax
236,7218,439keynoteA presenter is an object that encapsulates view logic. Like Rails helpers, presenters h...
247,1666,221active_deliveryRuby and Rails framework for managing all types of notifications in one place
258,6803,855view_component-contribA collection of extensions and developer tools for ViewComponent
269,0375,253abstract_notifierActionMailer-like interface for any type of notifications
2711,3826,251anycable-rails-jwtAnyCable Rails helpers for JWT-based authentication
2812,0264,187require-hooksRequire Hooks provide infrastructure for intercepting require/load calls in Ruby
2913,6575,377graphql-connectionsGraphQL cursor-based stable pagination to work with Active Record relations
3014,1614,434pacoPaco is a parser combinator library.
3115,94712,408influxerInfluxDB the Rails way
3216,18311,450pgrelActiveRecord extension for querying hstore and jsonb.
3318,83310,676rubanokParameters-based transformation DSL
3419,22514,857active_event_storeWrapper over Rails Event Store with conventions and transparent Rails integration
3519,34411,530amorailRuby API client for AmoCRM. You can integrate your system with it.
3619,3506,717action-cable-redis-backportBackports Action Cable 7.1 Redis adapter for older versions
3720,4539,393evil-seedThis gem allows you to easily dump and transform subset of your ActiveRecord models and...
3825,4777,087freezoliteExample description
3930,04035,920anytAction Cable / AnyCable conformance testing tool
4030,50386,038checkr-canadaCheckr Canda API client (
4135,79453,556npmdcCheck for missed dependencies of NPM packages based on dependency list specified in pac...
4237,3494,921capybara-thrusterExample description
4343,28312,493capistrano-anycableAnyCable integration for Capistrano
4450,37086,038anycable-rack-serverAnyCable-compatible Ruby Rack middleware
4551,22826,609wsdirector-cliCommand line tool for testing WebSocket servers using scenarios.
4667,54986,038netologiestRuby API client for Netology
4774,36414,299downstreamStraightforward way to implement communication between Rails Engines using the Publish-...
4893,39028,793wsdirector-coreScenario-based WebSocket black-box testing
4996,42510,943activerecord-slotted_countersActive Record slotted counters support
5096,84653,556pieces-railspieces.js for rails
51103,91311,450imgproxy-railsA gem that integrates imgproxy.rb with ActiveStorage::Variant API
52111,88016,361test-prof-autopilotAutomatic TestProf runner
53124,97012,310rails-intest-viewsGenerate view templates dynamically in Rails tests
54128,44386,038trellodonThe main purpose of Trellodon is to make it possible to backup Trello boards to file sy...
55153,92286,038rbytesRuby Bytes is a tool to build application templates for Ruby and Rails applications
56155,24942,025anycable-thrusterA zero-config HTTP/2 proxy for lightweight production deployments with AnyCable real-ti...
57158,65486,038plombirYou cannot call yourself an "ice-cream" if you contain no cream
58174,19242,025kuby-anycableKuby plugin to deploy AnyCable applications
59174,40586,038flakonSmart flaky tests detection for Rails apps
60174,95686,038anyt-coreAction Cable / AnyCable conformance testing tool
61176,82642,025mock-sueyUtilities to keep mocks in line with real objects
62177,11953,556wasmify-railsTools and extensions to package Rails apps as Wasm modules
63179,26586,038freeze_the_litsExample description
64179,94186,038uptrieverUpload documenbts to Trieve
65179,98286,038modelscopeModel scope analyzes your Rails application models and provides some useful insights on...
66181,59742,025actioncable-nextNext-gen version of Action Cable