1 | 283 | 516 | autoprefixer-rails | Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website. |
2 | 792 | 1,016 | test-prof | Ruby applications tests profiling tools.
Contains tools to analyze factories usage... |
3 | 1,428 | 1,266 | ruby-next-core | Ruby Next Core is a zero deps version of Ruby Next meant to be used
as as dependenc... |
4 | 1,489 | 1,390 | anyway_config | Configuration DSL for Ruby libraries and applications.
Allows you to easily follow ... |
5 | 2,655 | 2,831 | isolator | Detect non-atomic interactions within DB transactions |
6 | 2,710 | 3,089 | action-cable-testing | Testing utils for Action Cable |
7 | 2,868 | 2,819 | anycable-rails | AnyCable integration for Rails |
8 | 2,967 | 2,342 | action_policy | Authorization framework for Ruby/Rails application |
9 | 3,027 | 2,890 | anycable | AnyCable is a polyglot replacement for ActionCable-compatible servers |
10 | 3,302 | 2,730 | anycable-core | AnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP... |
11 | 4,027 | 2,790 | n_plus_one_control | RSpec and Minitest matchers to prevent N+1 queries problem.
Evaluates code under c... |
12 | 4,279 | 7,126 | litecable | Fat-free ActionCable implementation for using with AnyCable (and without Rails) |
13 | 4,388 | 3,680 | action_policy-graphql | Action Policy integration for GraphQL-Ruby |
14 | 4,720 | 5,560 | imatcher | Image comparison lib built on top of ChunkyPNG |
15 | 4,888 | 3,761 | logidze | PostgreSQL JSONB-based model changes tracking |
16 | 5,031 | 3,726 | graphql-anycable | A drop-in replacement for GraphQL ActionCable subscriptions for AnyCable. |
17 | 5,296 | 2,177 | rubocop-md | Run RuboCop against your Markdown files to make sure that code examples follow style gu... |
18 | 5,392 | 2,918 | anycable-rails-core | AnyCable integration for Rails (w/o RPC dependencies) |
19 | 5,963 | 4,331 | store_attribute | ActiveRecord extension which adds typecasting to store accessors |
20 | 6,313 | 4,151 | ruby-next | Ruby Next is a collection of polyfills and a transpiler for supporting latest and upcom... |
21 | 6,330 | 6,505 | clowne | A flexible gem for cloning your models. |
22 | 6,421 | 4,144 | ruby-next-parser | Parser extension to support edge and experimental Ruby syntax |
23 | 6,836 | 12,391 | keynote | A presenter is an object that encapsulates view logic. Like Rails helpers, presenters h... |
24 | 7,180 | 10,266 | active_delivery | Ruby and Rails framework for managing all types of notifications in one place |
25 | 8,150 | 4,256 | view_component-contrib | A collection of extensions and developer tools for ViewComponent |
26 | 9,077 | 8,564 | abstract_notifier | ActionMailer-like interface for any type of notifications |
27 | 10,339 | 3,970 | require-hooks | Require Hooks provide infrastructure for intercepting require/load calls in Ruby |
28 | 10,433 | 3,372 | graphql-connections | GraphQL cursor-based stable pagination to work with Active Record relations |
29 | 10,812 | 18,028 | anycable-rails-jwt | AnyCable Rails helpers for JWT-based authentication |
30 | 11,666 | 4,189 | paco | Paco is a parser combinator library. |
31 | 16,067 | 36,248 | influxer | InfluxDB the Rails way |
32 | 16,169 | 14,779 | pgrel | ActiveRecord extension for querying hstore and jsonb. |
33 | 16,997 | 10,732 | action-cable-redis-backport | Backports Action Cable 7.1 Redis adapter for older versions |
34 | 18,227 | 13,446 | rubanok | Parameters-based transformation DSL |
35 | 18,692 | 18,028 | active_event_store | Wrapper over Rails Event Store with conventions and transparent Rails integration |
36 | 19,273 | 54,620 | amorail | Ruby API client for AmoCRM. You can integrate your system with it. |
37 | 19,296 | 10,494 | evil-seed | This gem allows you to easily dump and transform subset of your ActiveRecord models and... |
38 | 20,240 | 8,361 | freezolite | Example description |
39 | 29,502 | 36,248 | anyt | Action Cable / AnyCable conformance testing tool |
40 | 29,911 | 54,620 | capybara-thruster | Example description |
41 | 30,915 | 54,620 | checkr-canada | Checkr Canda API client (https://checkr-canada.api-docs.io/v1/overview) |
42 | 35,934 | 36,248 | npmdc | Check for missed dependencies of NPM packages based on dependency list specified in pac... |
43 | 42,106 | 19,606 | capistrano-anycable | AnyCable integration for Capistrano |
44 | 49,686 | 54,620 | wsdirector-cli | Command line tool for testing WebSocket servers using scenarios. |
45 | 49,745 | 54,620 | anycable-rack-server | AnyCable-compatible Ruby Rack middleware |
46 | 60,136 | 54,620 | wsdirector-core | Scenario-based WebSocket black-box testing |
47 | 61,496 | 19,606 | downstream | Straightforward way to implement communication between Rails Engines using the Publish-... |
48 | 67,841 | 54,620 | netologiest | Ruby API client for Netology |
49 | 74,821 | 54,620 | activerecord-slotted_counters | Active Record slotted counters support |
50 | 88,760 | 24,730 | imgproxy-rails | A gem that integrates imgproxy.rb with ActiveStorage::Variant API |
51 | 97,161 | 24,730 | pieces-rails | pieces.js for rails |
52 | 102,334 | 12,881 | test-prof-autopilot | Automatic TestProf runner |
53 | 102,413 | 21,695 | rails-intest-views | Generate view templates dynamically in Rails tests |
54 | 107,783 | 21,695 | anycable-thruster | A zero-config HTTP/2 proxy for lightweight production deployments with AnyCable real-ti... |
55 | 127,092 | 54,620 | trellodon | The main purpose of Trellodon is to make it possible to backup Trello boards to file sy... |
56 | 149,133 | 13,446 | rbytes | Ruby Bytes is a tool to build application templates for Ruby and Rails applications |
57 | 159,139 | 36,248 | plombir | You cannot call yourself an "ice-cream" if you contain no cream |
58 | 161,890 | 28,870 | anyt-core | Action Cable / AnyCable conformance testing tool |
59 | 173,421 | 28,870 | wasmify-rails | Tools and extensions to package Rails apps as Wasm modules |
60 | 174,757 | 54,620 | kuby-anycable | Kuby plugin to deploy AnyCable applications |
61 | 174,991 | 54,620 | flakon | Smart flaky tests detection for Rails apps |
62 | 177,335 | 54,620 | mock-suey | Utilities to keep mocks in line with real objects |
63 | 177,355 | 14,011 | rubocop-anycable-rails | RuboCop rules for AnyCable Rails |
64 | 178,858 | 54,620 | uptriever | Upload documenbts to Trieve |
65 | 179,019 | 24,730 | actioncable-next | Next-gen version of Action Cable |
66 | 179,877 | 54,620 | freeze_the_lits | Example description |
67 | 180,612 | 54,620 | modelscope | Model scope analyzes your Rails application models and provides some useful insights on... |