Matt_a's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169i18nNew wave Internationalization support for Ruby.
23,5017,507couchrestCouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as ...
33,8934,288googlechartsGenerate charts using Google API & Ruby
47,06411,862templaterTemplater has the ability to both copy files from A to B and also to render templates u...
59,20420,494merb-coreMerb. Pocket rocket web framework.
69,48820,494merb-assetsMerb plugin for supporting assets
79,61966,945merbThe Merb stack
810,06921,240merb_datamapperMerb plugin that provides support for datamapper
910,21434,141merb-hamlMerb plugin for HAML support
1010,35218,599merb-helpersMerb plugin containing view helpers
1110,58619,754merb-param-protectionMerb plugin that helps protecting sensible parameters
1210,59021,240merb-slicesMerb plugin that supports reusable application 'slices'.
1310,84221,240merb-mailerMerb plugin for mailer support
1411,44966,945bubble-wrapRubyMotion wrappers and helpers (Ruby for iOS and OS X) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby l...
1511,47420,494merb-exceptionsMerb plugin that supports exception notification
1611,57921,240merb-cacheMerb plugin for supporting assets
1711,61223,246merb-action-argsMerb plugin that supports controller action arguments
1811,64621,240merb-genMerb plugin containing useful code generators
1911,83622,129merb-auth-coreAn Authentication framework for Merb
2011,84322,129merb-auth-moreAddons for merb-auth-core
2112,47547,366merb-authMerb plugin that provides authentication support
2213,18222,129merb-auth-slice-passwordMerb Slice with password UI support
2313,65147,366merb-more(merb - merb-core) == merb-more. The Full Stack. Take what you need; leave what you do...
2416,21266,945merb_sequelMerb plugin that provides support for Sequel.
2517,21134,141gchartGChart exposes the Google Chart API via a friendly Ruby interface. It can generate the ...
2618,67847,366wsdslRuby DSL describing Web Services without implementation details.
2719,29466,945merb_activerecordMerb plugin that provides ActiveRecord support for Merb
2821,32566,945wd_sinatraWeasel-Diesel Sinatra app gem, allowing you to generate/update sinatra apps using the W...
2923,51813,197weasel_dieselRuby DSL describing Web Services without implementation details.
3025,17666,945merb_test_unitMerb plugin that provides Test::Unit support
3127,78913,197fire-and-forgetAllows developers to fire HTTP requests and not worry about the response (only the init...
3228,79666,945merb_screw_unitMerb Slice that provides support for Screw.Unit testing
3333,30647,366merb_helpersHelper support for merb (similar to the Rails form helpers)
3433,48766,945minigemsLighweight drop-in replacement for rubygems.
3533,77966,945merb_param_protectionMerb plugin that provides params_accessible and params_protected class methods
3635,24766,945merb-builderMerb plugin that provides Builder support
3735,37466,945merb-partsMerb plugin that provides Part Controllers.
3836,16028,123pubnub-publisherThe simplest PubNub gem possible to simply publish events. Nothing more.
3941,43247,366merb_partsMerb plugin that provides Part Controllers.
4042,10166,945merb_laszloMerb plugin that provides support for Laszlo.
4145,99366,945merb_builderMerb plugin that provides Builder support
4246,90966,945merb-jqueryMerb plugin that provides jQuery support
4347,57666,945merb_jqueryMerb plugin that provides jQuery support
4463,96366,945couchappCouchApp is a set of helpers and a jQuery plugin that conspire to get you up and runnin...
4566,02466,945wd_newrelic_rpmWeasel Diesel compatible version of rpm. New Relic is a performance management system, ...
4666,18366,945merb-freezerMerb plugin that let's you freeze Merb
4768,81266,945s2s-authGenerates/parses encrypted and signed tokens.
4870,19239,257multibytedescription of gem
4979,73866,945wd_sinatra_active_recordBasics to use ActiveRecord with WD Sinatra.
5084,47866,945ruby-web-searchA (very old) Ruby gem that provides a way to retrieve search results via the main searc...
5185,34466,945han-converterConverts traditional / simplified Chinese
5294,78347,366random-word-generatorGenerate a string composed of one or many dictionary words. You can specify the amount ...
53109,77366,945sigenThis gem helps you build signatures like player cards etv..
54116,45966,945merb_babelMerb plugin that provides simple localization/internationalisation
55116,49266,945gemcutter-xssHax alert('omg hax')
56120,02766,945merb_exceptionsAllows Merb to forward exceptions to emails or web hooks
57122,76666,945monkey_patcherKeep track of where you monkey patch your code.
58122,81147,366textorize-mrTextorize is a OS X utility to render subpixel antialised strings into PNG files.
59127,75047,366pvwattsCalculates the Performance of a Grid-Connected PV System.
60129,82766,945clowderThread pool