Railsonmaui's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1381,497react-railsRender components in views or controller actions. Server-side rendering powered by Exec...
21,9402,654react_on_railsSee README.md
32,5461,707shakapackerUse webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
42,9802,293cypress-on-railsIntegrates cypress with rails or rack applications
513,5678,544webpacker_liteAsset Helpers for Webpack
650,67030,535cplCLI for providing Heroku-like platform-as-a-service on Control Plane
7136,11013,910cpflowCLI for providing Heroku-like platform-as-a-service on Control Plane
8136,53566,923webpacker-react-on-railsUse Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
9154,76766,923maui_supportIncludes white_list_params
10172,69230,535jstreamerJstreamer - renders JSON directly to a stream from ruby templates
11174,06266,923webpacker_helpersAsset Helpers for Webpack
12175,40166,923turbolinks-noopDisable Turbolinks by substituting this gem, turbolinks-noop for turbolinks and require...
13176,20143,406uber_taskLonger description or delete this line.