Rubyghetto's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,10016,482envarEnvar is a simple wrapper around your environmental variables to ease development and t...
216,02374,510superboltSuperbolt is comprised of a standalone app, and a queue-like queue for sending messages...
322,27574,510fierceFierce, opinionate view logic for Rails
423,78074,510gtaGTA: the Git Transit Authority - A git based deploy tool for moving code from stage to ...
531,26747,329garterbeltGarterbelt is a Ruby HTML/XML markup framework inspired by Erector and Markaby. Garterb...
634,96874,510cumuliCumuli runs several foreman processes in different directories
737,75374,510style_trainstyle_train builds CSS using pure Ruby, not a DSL interpreted via Ruby. This allows inh...
858,24274,510shipd_styleShipdStyle is a compass driven CSS3 framework that makes building responsive designs ea...
976,50874,510aquaA Ruby Object Database ... just add water (and CouchDB). Even with ORMs like ActiveReco...
1079,61774,510ru_polRuPol is a glamorous mixin for instance pooling your Ruby classes. It eases the pa...
1182,25627,620prowProw is solving the problem front-end developers have when they try to start a proj...
1297,75338,694mockumentaryWith the happy proliferation of TDD, test suites are getting massive, and developer eff...
13153,04674,510knishThe problem with CMSs is that you really want your application content in source contro...