Stanhu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1911645gitlab-labkitInstrumentation for GitLab
2933693gitlab-markupThis gem is used by GitLab to render any non Markdown markup
31,086620prometheus-client-mmapA suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...
41,088621gitlab-stylesGitLab style guides and shared style configs.
51,202636gitlab-licensegitlab-license helps you generate, verify and enforce software licenses.
61,225712grape-path-helpersRoute path helpers for Grape
71,252709gitlab_chronic_durationA simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 mi...
81,255717gitlab-mail_roommail_room will proxy email (gmail) from IMAP to a delivery method
91,263650slack-messengerA slim ruby wrapper for posting to slack webhooks
101,275691gitlab-net-dnsNet::DNS is a pure Ruby DNS library, with a clean OO interface and an extensible API.
111,281498gitlab-chronicChronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby.
121,285642gitlab-fog-azure-rmThis is a stripped-down fork of fog-azure-rm that enables Azure Blob Storage to be used...
131,335690omniauth-atlassian-oauth2An Atlassian OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to Atlassian wi...
141,380579omniauth_openid_connectOpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.
151,387687declarative_policyThis library provides an authorization framework with a declarative DSL With this libr...
161,402677spamcheckAuto-generated gRPC client for Spamcheck.
171,5493,106rubocop-gitlab-securityBasic security checking for Ruby files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcing &...
181,6094,470gitlab-sidekiq-fetcherRedis reliable queue pattern implemented in Sidekiq
191,92722,398gitlab-gollum-libA simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
201,94534,176gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapterAdapter for Gollum to use Rugged (libgit2) at the backend.
212,0429,227gitlab-omniauth-openid-connectOpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.
222,064659gitlab-sdkClient side Ruby SDK for GitLab Application services
232,092644gitlab-glfm-markdownMarkdown processing for GitLab Flavored Markdown
243,217107,759gitlab-pumaPuma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack a...
253,254182,265gitlab-puma_worker_killerKills pumas, the code kind
263,48017,743static_holmescharlock_holmes provides binary and text detection as well as text transcoding using li...
273,80777,363gitlab-pg_queryParses SQL queries using a copy of the PostgreSQL server query parser
284,185139,268gitlab-pry-byebugCombine 'pry' with 'byebug'. Adds 'step', 'next', 'finish', 'continue' and 'break' ...
294,30650,275gitlab-fog-googleThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Goo...
304,5819,080gitlab_gitGitLab wrapper around git objects
315,561139,268gitlab-peekTake a peek into your Rails application.
326,585139,268gitlab-default_value_forThe default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...
336,8444,115gitlab-exporterGitLab metrics exporter to use with prometheus
347,89650,275gitlab_emojiGitLab emoji assets
358,46028,597gitlab-elasticsearch-gitElasticsearch integrations for indexing git repositories.
368,53440,844gitlab-grackRuby/Rack Git Smart-HTTP Server Handler
379,97860,752gitlab-linguistGitLab Language detection
389,98934,176ruby-magic-staticFile Magic in Ruby. Simple interface to libmagic for Ruby Programming Language.
3911,03092,362gitlab-turbolinks-classicTurbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset P...
4011,36355,921gitlab-rdocRDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the ...
4112,4494,470gitlab-ruby-shadowThis module provides access to shadow passwords on Linux, OSX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and So...
4213,15112,903gitlab_kramdownGitLab Flavored Markdown extensions on top of Kramdown markup. Tries to be as close as ...
4313,65992,362gitlab-pygments.rbpygments.rb exposes the pygments syntax highlighter to Ruby
4414,9737,664y-rbRuby bindings for yrs. Yrs "wires" is a Rust port of the Yjs framework.
4515,0833,270gitlab-secret_detectionGitLab Secret Detection gem accepts text-based payloads, matches them against predefine...
4616,81731,109html-pipeline-gitlabExtension filters for html-pipeline used by GitLab
4717,13915,590gitlab-development-kitCLI for GitLab Development Kit.
4828,250107,759gitlab_ci_metaGitLab CI meta gem
4930,104139,268gitlab_yaml_dbGitLab fork. YamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. I...
5031,35118,614fluent-plugin-postgresql-csvlogfluentd plugins to work with PostgreSQL CSV logs
5143,84610,328gitlab-database-lock_retriesReserved for GitLab
5245,06040,844gitlab-fluent-plugin-redis-slowlogEmit redis slowlog entries into fluentd
5356,70325,066y-rb_actioncableAn ActionCable companion for Y.js clients.
5464,92627,791driCLI app to help triage GitLab QA pipelines
5577,17877,363gitlab-monitorGitLab monitoring tools to use with prometheus
5691,21914,497gitlab-username_bot_identifierParse GitLab usernames to determine whether they appear to be bots.
57108,215107,759omniauth2-gitlabDeprecated! Use instead.
58139,173107,759gitlab-pages-protoAuto-generated gRPC client for gitlab-pages.
59154,921139,268gitlab-rougeRouge aims to a be a simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments.
60160,317139,268gitlab-grape-swaggerAdd auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger.
61171,91992,362gitlab-fluent-plugin-detect-exceptionsFluentd output plugin which detects exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log m...
62177,686182,265gitlab-grpcSend RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
63178,044139,268bundler-checksumTrack checksums locally with Bundler
64182,783139,268gitlab-omnibus-ctlProvides command line control for omnibus pakcages, rarely used as a gem