Dejan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4472,041meta_requestSupporting gem for Rails Panel (Google Chrome extension for Rails development)
25,1046,389auto_htmlCollection of filters for transforming text into HTML code
36,0069,610tag_helperZero dependency, lightweight API for building XHTML tags
46,3416,464espeak-rubyespeak-ruby is small Ruby API for utilizing ‘espeak’ and ‘lame’ to create Text-To-Speec...
532,15153,556will_cacheWillCache provides simple API for caching ActiveRecord objects that uses ActiveSupport ...
636,55442,025banzaiToolkit for processing input using filters and pipelines
736,98853,556srbovanjeTransliteracija ćirilice na latinicu i tzv. ASCII latinicu.
840,26742,025rails_panelFuture gem for RailsPanel Chrome extension
959,45386,038auto_html-contribFilters for `auto_html` gem
1070,96886,038radiowavesTransmits notifications in Rails to a websocket. Born as a supporting gem for "Rails pa...
1183,03786,038static_recordStaticRecord provides you with the preloading schema-free objects from Yaml to OpenStru...
12103,52142,025genderifyGenderifies Strings.
13120,37453,556hoptoadrUnofficial Hoptoad API in Ruby
14122,50353,556kursRuby API for converting currency using official exchange rate list of National Bank Of ...
15129,55086,038excerptExtracts portion of some input content like String, file, uri, ...
16150,10486,038gastarbeiterCheap workers for your Beanstalk tubes
18155,56886,038rails_inspectorRails inspection