1 | 1,777 | 2,453 | paper_trail-association_tracking | Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations |
2 | 2,372 | 2,164 | protected_attributes_continued | Protect attributes from mass assignment |
3 | 3,308 | 2,428 | prawn-rails | Prawn Handler for Rails. Handles and registers pdf formats. |
4 | 3,316 | 3,247 | axlsx_styler | Build clean and maintainable styles for your axlsx spreadsheets. Build your spreadsheee... |
5 | 4,605 | 4,957 | rodf | ODF generation library for Ruby |
6 | 4,804 | 5,066 | spreadsheet_architect | Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsh... |
7 | 17,788 | 4,816 | active_snapshot | Dead simple snapshot versioning for ActiveRecord models and associations. |
8 | 30,281 | 13,506 | paperclip_utils | Helper class for easier dynamic processors and styles on your Paperclip uploads |
9 | 40,047 | 15,060 | rearmed_rails | A collection of helpful methods and monkey patches for Rails |
10 | 42,086 | 61,367 | rearmed | A collection of helpful methods and monkey patches for Objects, Strings, Enumerables, A... |
11 | 73,589 | 41,086 | active_sort_order | The "easy-peasy" dynamic sorting pattern for ActiveRecord that your Rails apps deserve. |
12 | 98,362 | 29,456 | active_record_simple_execute | Sanitize and Execute your raw SQL queries in ActiveRecord and Rails with a much more in... |
13 | 109,107 | 41,086 | capistrano-precompile-chooser | Capistrano plugin to precompile your Rails assets locally, remotely, or not at all prov... |
14 | 130,683 | 33,893 | minitest_change_assertions | Provides assertions for your Minitest suite to determine if an object has been changed. |
15 | 160,020 | 61,367 | sexy_form | Dead simple HTML form builder for Ruby with built-in support for many popular UI librar... |
16 | 163,785 | 61,367 | rails_nestable_layouts | Dead simple nested layouts for Rails |
17 | 174,387 | 61,367 | simple_assets | Dead simple HTML-based assets helper for Ruby. The main idea here is to promote re-usab... |
18 | 174,428 | 41,086 | rails_i18n_manager | Web interface to manage i18n translations for your apps to facilitate the editors of yo... |
19 | 176,691 | 61,367 | accepts_nested_attributes_for_public_id | A patch for Rails to support using a public ID column instead of ID for use with accept... |
20 | 177,859 | 25,716 | pairer | Rails app/engine to Easily rotate and keep track of working pairs |
21 | 179,313 | 6,653 | rails_local_analytics | Simple, performant, local analytics for Rails. Solves 95% of your needs until your read... |