Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
2021-2040 of all 183,147 gems.
2,0219,277,127inky-rbInky is an HTML-based templating language that converts simple HTML into complex, respo...
2,0229,268,454aws-sdk-pipesOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EventBridge Pipes. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...
2,0239,253,594solveA Ruby version constraint solver
2,0249,252,385okcomputerInspired by the simplicity of Fitter Happier, but frustrated by its lack of flexibi...
2,0259,247,324telephone_numberPhone number validation
2,0269,241,554aws-sdk-securitylakeOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Security Lake. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
2,0279,233,478stompRuby client for the Stomp messaging protocol.
2,0289,233,266aws-sdk-opensearchserverlessOfficial AWS Ruby gem for OpenSearch Service Serverless. This gem is part of the AWS SD...
2,0299,229,739daemon_controllerA library for robust daemon management.
2,0309,218,502xcovxcov is a friendly visualizer for Xcode's code coverage files
2,0319,211,732forwardableProvides delegation of specified methods to a designated object.
2,0329,209,296rack-pjaxServe pjax responses through rack middleware
2,0339,209,227aws-sdk-oamOfficial AWS Ruby gem for CloudWatch Observability Access Manager. This gem is part of ...
2,0349,204,257aws-sdk-arczonalshiftOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS ARC - Zonal Shift. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
2,0359,198,248rubocop-checkstyle_formatterA formatter for rubocop that outputs in checkstyle format
2,0369,197,217aws-sdk-simspaceweaverOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS SimSpace Weaver. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
2,0379,186,508aws-sdk-sagemakergeospatialOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities. This gem is part of...
2,0389,169,050stoplightAn implementation of the circuit breaker pattern.
2,0399,166,653aws-sdk-docdbelasticOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters (DocDB Elastic). This gem ...
2,0409,152,706acts_as_paranoidCheck the home page for more in-depth information.