Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
1941-1960 of all 183,147 gems.
1,94110,358,962rushA Ruby replacement for bash+ssh, providing both an interactive shell and a library. Ma...
1,94210,333,127ejsCompile and evaluate EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templates from Ruby.
1,94310,332,758pathspecUse to match path patterns such as gitignore
1,94410,329,985jsbundling-railsBundle and transpile JavaScript in Rails with bun, esbuild, rollup.js, or Webpack.
1,94510,321,887karafka-coreA toolset of small support modules used throughout the Karafka ecosystem
1,94610,313,894prismPrism Ruby parser
1,94710,293,785rails_adminRailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...
1,94810,244,759ougaiA structured logging system is capable of handling a message, custom data or an excepti...
1,94910,223,180rubocop-shopifyGem containing the rubocop.yml config that corresponds to the implementation of the Sho...
1,95010,218,603terminal-notifier-guardSend User Notifications on Mac OS X 10.8 - with status icons.
1,95110,195,337aws-sdk-ssoOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Single Sign-On (SSO). SSO is included as part of aws-sdk-...
1,95210,181,141seedbankAdds simple rake commands for seeding your database. Simple dependencies let you organi...
1,95310,145,605active_link_toHelpful method when you need to add some logic that figures out if the link (or more of...
1,95410,134,108unicodeUnicode normalization library.
1,95510,119,717functions_frameworkThe Functions Framework is an open source framework for writing lightweight, portable R...
1,95610,103,279packwerkSets package level boundaries between a specified set of ruby constants to minimize cro...
1,95710,076,251angular_rails_csrfAngularJS style CSRF protection for Rails
1,95810,068,522opentelemetry-instrumentation-mysql2Mysql2 instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
1,95910,047,030minitest-hooksminitest-hooks adds around and before_all/after_all/around_all hooks for Minitest. This...
1,9609,992,903apipie-railsRails REST API documentation tool