Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
341-360 of all 183,107 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
341 | 105,772,156 | aws-sdk-route53 | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 (Route 53). This gem is part of the AWS SDK f... |
342 | 105,767,036 | chronic | Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby. |
343 | 104,750,168 | sentry-raven | A gem that provides a client interface for the Sentry error logger |
344 | 104,685,944 | colored | >> puts "this is red".red >> puts "this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)"... |
345 | 104,409,171 | foreman | Process manager for applications with multiple components |
346 | 104,177,095 | ttfunk | Font Metrics Parser for the Prawn PDF generator |
347 | 104,068,486 | rchardet | Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby. As smart as your browser. Open source. |
348 | 103,363,449 | spring-commands-rspec | rspec command for spring |
349 | 103,342,996 | statsd-ruby | A Ruby StatsD client ( |
350 | 103,130,186 | browser | Do some browser detection with Ruby. |
351 | 102,502,575 | base64 | Support for encoding and decoding binary data using a Base64 representation. |
352 | 102,395,322 | coercible | Powerful, flexible and configurable coercion library. And nothing more. |
353 | 102,269,134 | redis-rack | Redis Store for Rack applications |
354 | 102,170,657 | dalli | High performance memcached client for Ruby |
355 | 101,691,851 | active_model_serializers | ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con... |
356 | 101,647,195 | notiffany | Wrapper libray for most popular notification libraries such as Growl, Libnotify, No... |
357 | 101,588,835 | rack-attack | A rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests |
358 | 101,508,616 | nenv | Using ENV is like using raw SQL statements in your code. We all know how that ends... |
359 | 101,190,396 | virtus | Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects |
360 | 100,532,735 | nori | XML to Hash translator |