Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
5281-5300 of all 183,181 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
5,281 | 1,004,500 | memo_wise | The wise choice for Ruby memoization |
5,282 | 1,004,143 | sensu-transport | The Sensu transport abstraction library |
5,283 | 1,004,109 | rice | Rice is a C++ interface to Ruby's C API. It provides a type-safe and exception-safe int... |
5,284 | 1,003,962 | fake_ftp | Testing FTP? Use this! |
5,285 | 1,003,598 | jekyll-last-modified-at | A liquid tag for Jekyll to indicate the last time a file was modified. |
5,286 | 1,003,429 | taps | A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database. |
5,287 | 1,002,492 | state_machines-graphviz | Graphviz module for state machines |
5,288 | 1,002,217 | flag-icons-rails | Gem allows to use `flag-icon-css` - a collection of all country flags in SVG - in your ... |
5,289 | 1,001,574 | wdm | Windows Directory Monitor (WDM) is a library which can be used to monitor directories f... |
5,290 | 999,898 | peek-pg | Take a peek into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests. |
5,291 | 999,621 | doorkeeper-grants_assertion | Assertion grant extension for Doorkeeper. |
5,292 | 999,059 | ckeditor_rails | CKEditor is a javascript library of the WYSIWYG rich-text editor. This gem integrates C... |
5,293 | 998,972 | stimulus_reflex | Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love. |
5,294 | 998,914 | fog-azure-rm | This library can be used as a module for 'fog' or as standalone provider ... |
5,295 | 998,111 | sensu-plugins-redis | This plugin provides native Redis instrumentation for mon... |
5,296 | 997,752 | mongoid-active_merchant | Adds Mongoid serialization to ActiveMerchant responses |
5,297 | 996,964 | copy_carrierwave_file | Gems main responsibility is to provide service for copying Carrierwave files between re... |
5,298 | 996,665 | asciidoctor-diagram-ditaamini | Ditaa JAR files wrapped in a Ruby gem |
5,299 | 996,380 | puma-daemon | In version 5.0 the authors of the popular Ruby web server Puma chose to remove the dae... |
5,300 | 993,543 | faraday-conductivity | Extra Faraday middleware, geared towards a service oriented architecture. |