Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
5941-5960 of all 183,193 gems.
5,941750,270mini_sqlA fast, safe, simple direct SQL executor for PG
5,942750,064amountableWith Amountable, you can easily attach, organize and sum Ruby money fields to your mode...
5,943749,709jar_wrapperWrapper for executable java jar file.
5,944749,556ambryAmbry is not an ORM, man! It's a database and ORM replacement for (mostly) static m...
5,945748,363hogan_assetsUse compiled hogan.js (mustache) JavaScript templates with sprockets and the Rails asse...
5,946748,320localized_country_selectLocalized "country_select" helper with Rake task for downloading locales from Unicode.o...
5,947748,182gdaAn SQL parser. Wraps libgda in a loving embrace to give you a ruby level SQL parser.
5,948747,495hyperclientHyperclient is a Ruby Hypermedia API client.
5,949747,386fixturyTreat fixtures like factories and factories like fixtures
5,950747,341fastlane-plugin-doccAutomate docc - documentation for swift frameworks and packages
5,951746,545cryptThe Crypt library is a pure-ruby implementation of a number of popular encryption algor...
5,952746,224fastlane-plugin-datadogDatadog actions for iOS development
5,953745,820rabl-railsFast Rails 4+ templating system with JSON, XML and PList support
5,954745,691resque-metricsA simple Resque plugin that times and saves some simple metrics for Resque jobs back in...
5,955745,600activeldap'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean objected oriented interface t...
5,956744,963api_smithAPISmith provides tools to make working with structured HTTP-based apis even easier.
5,957744,893cf-app-utilsHelper methods for apps running on Cloud Foundry
5,958744,551adobe_connectAn API wrapper for interacting with Adobe Connect services.
5,959744,435payment_iconsMountable rails engine which loads assets (svg files of payment icons) and provides a f...
5,960743,732nokogiri-prettyPretty-prints the contents of a Nokogiri document (as opposed to the object itself). Gr...