Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
5961-5980 of all 183,193 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
5,961 | 743,675 | google-cloud-os_login | Use OS Login to manage SSH access to your instances using IAM without having to create ... |
5,962 | 743,530 | middleman-minify-html | A HTML whitespace minifier for Middleman |
5,963 | 743,438 | activejob_dj_overrides | Allows max_attempts, destroy_failed_jobs?, reschedule_at, and max_run_time methods to b... |
5,964 | 742,767 | fluent-plugin-datacounter | To count records with string fields by regexps (To count records with numbers, use nume... |
5,965 | 742,534 | pronto-haml | Pronto runner for HAML-Lint, tool for writing clean and consistent HAML |
5,966 | 742,025 | liquid-c | Liquid performance extension in C |
5,967 | 741,969 | lokalise_rails | This gem allows to exchange translation files between your Rails app and Lokalise TMS. |
5,968 | 741,877 | geo_units | Easily convert between different distance units such as kms, miles etc. |
5,969 | 741,740 | knife | The knife CLI for Chef Infra. |
5,970 | 741,691 | color-converter | Color-converter is an easy way to convert hexcolor, RGB, and CMYK between each other. |
5,971 | 741,173 | wavefront-sdk | SDK for Wavefront ( API v2 |
5,972 | 740,890 | clbustos-rtf | The RTF library provides a pure Ruby set of functionality that can be used to programma... |
5,973 | 740,515 | ghost | Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames on POSIX systems (e.g. Mac OS X ... |
5,974 | 740,487 | rspec_tap | A TAP formatter for rspec |
5,975 | 739,142 | grape-forgery_protection | Protect your Grape API from forgery attacks like Rails. |
5,976 | 738,946 | rest-assured | Real stubs and spies for HTTP(S) services |
5,977 | 738,676 | populator | Mass populate an Active Record database. |
5,978 | 738,675 | fhir_stu3_models | A Gem for handling FHIR STU3 models in ruby |
5,979 | 738,333 | activevalidators | ActiveValidators is a collection of ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations |
5,980 | 738,281 | configurations | Configurations provides a unified approach to do configurations with the flexibility to... |