Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
6421-6440 of all 183,202 gems.
6,421625,554braze_rubyWrapper for Braze API
6,422625,317markerclustererplus-railsThis gem provides the MarkerClustererPlus assets for your Rails application.
6,423624,933SeleniumA project that wraps selenium API into object-oriented testing style and packages it in...
6,424624,607rails_admin-i18nTranslations for the rails_admin gem
6,425624,469rails_event_store-rspecRSpec matchers for RailsEventStore
6,426624,316robotoA Rails Engine to help with robots.txt
6,427624,145owlcarousel-railsOwl Carousel. Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive car...
6,428623,752omniauth-bitbucketOmniAuth strategy for Bitbucket.
6,429623,747single_covActionable code coverage.
6,430623,677graphql-paginationPage-based kaminari pagination for graphql returning collection and pagination metadata.
6,431623,297slimmerRack middleware for skinning pages using a specific template
6,432623,266jquery-datetimepicker-railsA date and time picker for jQuery and Rails
6,433623,251acts_as_followeracts_as_follower is a Rubygem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is acc...
6,434623,177capture_migration_sqlCapture the SQL that is executed when running ActiveRecord migrations so that it can be...
6,435622,989retryable-rbEasy to use DSL to retry code if an exception is raised.
6,436622,807refile-s3Amazon S3 backend for the Refile gem
6,437622,736cliCommand Line Interface gem allows you to quickly specify command argument parser that w...
6,438622,354fastlane-plugin-automated_test_emulator_runStarts n AVDs based on JSON file config. AVDs are created and configured according to u...
6,439622,269hypershieldShield sensitive data in Postgres and MySQL
6,440622,084webdack-uuid_migrationUseful helpers to consistently migrate Integer id columns to UUID in PostgreSql. Specia...