Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
6501-6520 of all 183,202 gems.
6,501608,081rltkThe Ruby Language Toolkit provides classes for creating context-free grammars, lexers, ...
6,502607,887tether-railstether-rails wraps the Tether JavaScript library so that it can easily be included in R...
6,503607,179prawn-groupingGrouping extension for prawn pdf generator
6,504607,014sfx-sidekiq-opentracingOpenTracing instrumentation for Sidekiq.
6,505606,850rspec-default_http_headerSet default http headers in request specs
6,506606,787beaker-vcloudFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
6,507606,313rails-autoscale-sidekiqAutoscaling for Sidekiq workers.
6,508604,826rumouseCross-platform solution for simulating mouse events
6,509604,681administrate-field-jsonbJSONb field plugin for Administrate
6,510604,626activerecord-cockroachdb-adapterAllows the use of CockroachDB as a backend for ActiveRecord and Rails apps.
6,511604,619es6-promise-railsA polyfill for ES6-style Promises with integration for Rails.
6,512604,588s3-secureS3 Bucket security hardening tool
6,513604,118algebrickProvides algebraic type definitions and pattern matching
6,514603,788active_admin_sidebarextension for activeadmin gem to manage sidebar
6,515603,544google-cloud-kms-v1Manages keys and performs cryptographic operations in a central cloud service, for dire...
6,516603,305hcl_parserHCL Variables Parser
6,517603,253apivoreTests your rails API using its OpenAPI (Swagger) description of end-points, models, and...
6,518602,352shellyTool for managing applications and clouds at
6,519601,833acfsAPI Client For Services
6,520601,602twine-railsMinimalistic two-way bindings