Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
6741-6760 of all 183,202 gems.
6,741555,004google-analytics-data-v1betaThe Google Analytics Data API provides programmatic methods to access report data in Go...
6,742554,806paperclip-gcsExtends Paperclip with Google Cloud Storage
6,743554,754solid_cacheA database backed ActiveSupport::Cache::Store
6,744554,438capifonyCapistrano is an open source tool for running scripts on multiple servers. It’s primary...
6,745554,257mongoid_orderableEnables Mongoid models to track their position in list
6,746554,085async-rackMakes middleware that ships with Rack bullet-proof for async responses.
6,747553,822colorlsA Ruby CLI gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome i...
6,748553,805stub_serverBoot up a real server to serve testing replies
6,749553,765random_dataRandom data generator
6,750553,538perftools.rbA sampling profiler for ruby code based on patches to gperftools
6,751553,482zbarRuby bindings for ZBar, a barcode recognition library. Uses FFI to interact with the un...
6,752553,438capistrano-log_with_awesomelogging callbacks for capistrano
6,753553,390isodocisodoc converts documents in the IsoDoc document model into Microsoft Word and HTML. T...
6,754553,329carrierwave-video-thumbnailerLets you make video thumbnails in carrierwave via ffmpegthumbnailer
6,755553,267revision_plateRack middleware and application to show deployed application's revision (commit)
6,756553,254trinidadTrinidad allows you to run Rails or Rack applications within an embedded Apache Tomcat ...
6,757553,236mimetype-fuget the mimetype of a file directly in Ruby NOTICE: I am So Awesome Man! I'm just forki...
6,758552,925json-schema-rspecAdds RSpec matchers for validating JSON schemas
6,759552,801omniauth-weibo-oauth2OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for
6,760552,556dpl-npmdeploy tool abstraction for clients