Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152881-152900 of all 180,477 gems.
152,8723,099octobertestA supersimple testing framework for Ruby
152,8723,099hiyokoMascot of Hiyoko
152,8723,099encoded_idEncode your numerical IDs (eg record primary keys) into obfuscated strings that can be ...
152,8723,099taevalAuto evaluator for university homeworks for test automation classes.
152,8723,099jekyll-highlight-paramA Liquid tag plugin for Jekyll that replaces the built in highlight tag, and allows pas...
152,8723,099ultimate-minitest-railsThe best out-of-the box experience with Minitest for Rails applications.
152,8723,099hermes-railsRails Action Mailer adapter for balancing multiple providers across email, SMS, and web...
152,8723,099coralssmarter than hashes, simpler than objects
152,8723,099quadhookRack endpoint for capturing webhook requests from Quaderno's invoicing service.
152,8723,099activeresource-fiveREST on Rails. Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Acti...
152,8723,099rack-protection-monkeyYou should use protection! - Monkey Version
152,8923,098itpushmeupThis gem is a wrapper to send push notifications to devices. Cu...
152,8923,098hola-ianhAn expanded example of a simple hello world gem
152,8923,098bbbot-rubyRuby wrapper for bbbot (
152,8923,098omniauth-underarmourOmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for UnderArmour
152,8923,098javascript-validatorThis gem is for including
152,8923,098salut_karlheitmannSalut le monde, mi primera gema :). Simple gema de prueba
152,8923,098bleh-themeWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
152,8923,098gm-sms_baoRuby SDK for
152,8923,098samurai_coreCore features of SamuraiCRM.