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152901-152920 of all 180,477 gems.
152,8923,098valuera person whose job is to estimate the value of something that is to be purchased.
152,8923,098lita-yatsShow Yats Carmel menu
152,8923,098haphazardly_gemThis gem will generate random results for games, such as rolling dice and picking cards...
152,9043,097movies_newsCheck out the latest new movies coming soon to theaters & video games to come to ma...
152,9043,097mr_to_nilThis a gem for cast any object to nil
152,9043,097is_my_sidekiq_okDefine limits and see if Sidekiq is running within those.
152,9043,097unicode_snowmanProvides the unicode snowman
152,9043,097sluggable_david_s_janA lightweight gem that provides the ability to slug your apps urls in a simple way.
152,9043,097google-cloud-alloy_db-v1AlloyDB for PostgreSQL is an open source-compatible database service that provides a po...
152,9043,097pstatusA gem support display http status message.
152,9043,097freelabsterCreate carts on and send 3D files
152,9043,097umlaut_journal_tocsUmlaut plugin for Recent Articles display from JournalTocs
152,9143,096pixel_pickerA wrapper of RMagick which detects the color name used most often by extracting pixels ...
152,9143,096classifileclassify file by ruby DSL.
152,9143,096jass-react-jsxCompile React JSX for Sprockets
152,9143,096politico_rssA ruby interface to POLITICO RSS feeds. Includes feed contents and metadata.
152,9143,096ilovespecI LOVE SPEC!, especially when all of them green, let's make all of them pass
152,9143,096identity_cache_fetchersActiveRecord#fetch_or_initialize and ActiveRecord#fetch_or_create for IdentityCache
152,9143,096lita-awwA Lita handler for fetching images from /r/aww.