Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154201-154220 of all 180,507 gems.
154,1783,031evernote_uploaderUpload files to Evernote
154,1783,031joylynnAm just testin out ruby gems
154,1783,031google-cloud-dataform-v1beta1Dataform is a service for data analysts to develop, test, version control, and schedule...
154,1783,031alchemy_kono_mailupPlugin to integrate mailup into Alchemy
154,1783,031kuroko2-updaterA tool to manage kuroko2 job-definitions based on a schedule.rb file
154,1783,031sidekiq-filtersSidekiq Filters Web UI
154,1783,031aca-omniauth-jwtAn OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
154,2083,030asciidoctor-diagram-stupidGenerate Stupid diagrams with Asciidoctor.
154,2083,030ethereum-abiEthereum ABI implementation in ruby.
154,2083,030partner_friendlyEffortlessly share your userbase email addresses without fear of being traced.
154,2083,030eclairThe main entrypoint for using Eclair
154,2083,030rlgtestMuch longer explanation of the example!
154,2083, client library for ruby
154,2083,030monacoA small library for easily performing Monte Carlo simulations
154,2083,030git-timesheetComputes a timesheet for a given set of git repositories.
154,2083,030hola_tevuz10A simple hello world gem
154,2083,030dirtpParse an Apache-generated auto-index directory listing and make a TablePress table from...
154,2083,030exerbExerb support for mingw/rubyinstaller. Packaged ruby source files and ruby extensions f...
154,2203,029limonadA tiny Monad library.