Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154261-154280 of all 180,434 gems.
154,2573,017association-reporterDetailed reports for Active Record Associations
154,2573,017ruboty-irkitA ruboty handler to controll IRKit
154,2573,017omniauth-spidUnOfficial OmniAuth strategy for SPiD.
154,2573,017reverse_pipeA command to reverse pipeline text.
154,2573,017ronsplaining"gem demo for Ron's class"
154,2573,017algoheaderProgrammatically generate beautiful header images for blogs or social media accounts.
154,2573,017tdiary-coffeescriptCoffeeScript Filter for tDiary.
154,2573,017modspaceModspace is a small library to allow the easy definition and management of namespaces a...
154,2573,017searchkick-sinneduyIntelligent search made easy
154,2573,017memcached_testTest of a memcached server for coding challenge
154,2573,017itamae-plugin-recipe-kzyty_mysqlItamae plugin to install mysql by package.
154,2573,017logstash-filter-jsonvalidateThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
154,2573,017aca-omniauth-jwt-blockingAn OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
154,2573,017rectangleRectangle represents some rectangular area.
154,2573,017rails_searchDescription of RailsSearch.
154,2573,017external_errorsAdds non validator errors to active model
154,2573,017rest-client_jxb_fixA simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
154,2573,017carrwa-azu-heerae-customAllows file upload to Azure with the officail sdk
154,2573,017sluggable_kelA simple gem to sluggify URl's and remove special characters
154,2573,017sakuruA tiny full-text search engine by pure Ruby.