Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
155341-155360 of all 180,459 gems.
155,3332,946kishore_casinowriting gem for override the casino
155,3332,946lita-onewheel-http-irc-gatewayPOC implementing an HTTP to IRC gateway
155,3332,946drone-hunterHunts for Drone CI files across many repositories
155,3332,946monophaseA one-column minimal responsive Jekyll blog theme
155,3332,946RpnCalculatorWill Evaluate an Expression in Reverse Polish Notation and Return the answer (Addition,...
155,3332,946zettel_outlineUsing outlines to plan writing projects is great, but assembling a first draft is still...
155,3332,946omakase_logger-railsOkamaseLogger::Rails to change rails log format.
155,3332,946hertoolsA tool box made for her. Provides more and more tools, like the WebsiteParser and so on.
155,3502,945overmanProcess manager for applications with multiple components, fork of ddollar/foreman
155,3502,945discorb-voiceGem for connecting voice channels with discorb.
155,3502,945jekyll-i18n_tagsTags for translating Jekyll templates.
155,3502,945paratopeLibrary to audit, create, or update AWS security groups based on a Ruby config file.
155,3502,945rediscordkeep record id sync with dynamic redis set or zset
155,3502,945dnsblimDNSBLim the Gem is a primarily DNSBLim API key holder exclusive, whereas the key holder...
155,3502,945pointableSimple google maps helpers to draw map with points
155,3502,945PalettiPaletti takes an image and finds its background color as well as the best primary, seco...
155,3502,945track_bedCombination of modules for Rails.
155,3502,945rescuableRender an error in JSON format with support for I18n.
155,3502,945ruby-nominatimRuby bindings for Nominatim, providing easy interface with customizable backends.