Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
155541-155560 of all 180,702 gems.
155,5372,955secken-rubyYou can view more details from
155,5372,955private_pub_no_sigPrivate pub/sub messaging in Rails through Faye.
155,5372,955how_i_start-greybyA simple gem, to show you how I do things. If it were more complicated, I'd explain mor...
155,5372,955ObjectPwnStreama Ruby implementation of Java's ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream, to ease the p...
155,5372,955hiera-backend-consul_backendA hiera backend that queries consul's service discovery catalog and distributed k/v store
155,5372,955nginx_log_parserA simple hello world gem
155,5372,955aliyun-mtsRuby SDK for Aliyun MTS API development
155,5372,955studio_game1064My first ruby gem
155,5502,954contribcalendarGenerate an image containing your GitHub contribution calendar.
155,5502,954ecs-composeALIAS FOR ecs_compose. An interace to the Amazon EC2 Container Service that works vague...
155,5502,954google-apis-vpcaccess_v1This is the simple REST client for Serverless VPC Access API V1. Simple REST clients ar...
155,5502,954payproRuby client for PayPro API v1
155,5502,954darmani_game31A Darmani game
155,5502,954voteable-rbgVoting gem assignment.
155,5502,954movie_db_gemmovie_db_gem is the best
155,5502,954nbu_currencyThis gem reads exchange rates from the National Bank of Ukraine website. It uses it to ...
155,5502,954reccenterhq-jquery-rjsAdd RJS for jQuery to Rails 3.1+ apps (this repo would probably be the only fork in the...
155,5502,954route_checkerroute checker gem helps to find unused routes and unreachable actions in rails applicat...
155,5602,953ijtagOrigen interface/driver for the IEEE 1687 (IJTAG) standard