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Most downloads over all time
155621-155640 of all 180,590 gems.
155,6142,938roadrunnrRoadRunnr API Wrapper
155,6142,938do_riakThis is a data objects adapter for Riak. It's builded on top of the generic rrriak adap...
155,6142,938hoseryeah! take off you hoser
155,6142,938rspec-log_matcherWriting logs is an easy way to store any kind of information for further analysis later...
155,6142,938hola-ben-testA simple hello world gem
155,6142,938usmu-sitemapXML sitemap generator plugin for Usmu.
155,6142,938dxmms2# dxmms2 *a dmenu shell for xmms2* Setting the dmenu width in dxmms2 requires the patc...
155,6142,938embulk-filter-postgres_lookupPostgress Lookup
155,6142,938quick_search-summon_searcherQuickSearch searcher for Summon
155,6142,938ruboty-shibuyarinIt's a Ruboty pulgin. Respond shiburin-like messages. Shibuya Rin(shiburin) is the char...
155,6312,937logstash-input-pcapThis input gets data out of lipcap and send it to LS so you can monitor your network fo...
155,6312,937serpentorAutomates checking of Search Engine Results for a given set of keywords.
155,6312,937sensu-plugins-inspecSensu check plugin for executing InSpec controls
155,6312,937mdmMobile Device Management
155,6312,937active_model_serializers-hash_wrapperSerialize hashes with ActiveModelSerializers.
155,6312,937chunesThis iTunes Search retrieves Artist Name, Track Name, Album Art, and 30 second Song Pre...
155,6312,937threetwoone4This is the official WDI-30 Count Down Print Gem
155,6312,937private_eyeDig up the dirt on your objects.
155,6402,936snapdeal_apiThis gem provides a simple utility class to pull data from using Snapdeal'...