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Most downloads over all time
156181-156200 of all 180,507 gems.
156,1752,886active_job_exception_handlerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
156,1752,886valorantAn API wrapper for the Hendriks Valorant API 🍬
156,1832,885wordpress_importParse wordpress export file into structured ruby
156,1832,885preferredpicturesThe PreferredPictures Ruby client library provides a convenient way to call the Preferr...
156,1832,885amazon_s3_index_proxyProxies a page stored on s3 through the Rails app. Also takes care of caching.
156,1832,885note_formatterFormats a simple quick note txt file into a more complete one with location, duration, ...
156,1832,885linkedin-rubyRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn 2.0 API
156,1832,885dot-whatShow ruby available methods on objects and classes
156,1892,884m1a test for compass
156,1892,884rails_vue_generatorGenerates VueJS code based no models in rails
156,1892,884socketeersimple socket server for doing message passing
156,1892,884jdbc-urlA library for creating JDBC URLs from standard Database URLs
156,1892,884logstash-filter-railsroutesThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on \ top of the Logstash core pi...
156,1892,884languagecloud-sdlRuby connector for translate service
156,1892,884middleman-foxycartFoxyCart helpers for Middleman static sites
156,1892,884wordify_jimibueA couple methods to make string
156,1892,884hello_kaoPuts 'Hello, Kao!'
156,1892,884git-reflowYou really mean `gem install git_reflow`. It's okay. I'll fix it for you this one last ...
156,1992,883lastroleThe last authorization gem you'll ever need.
156,1992,883lita-mingleA Lita Plugin for creating/updating cards in Mingle