Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
156201-156220 of all 180,488 gems.
156,1972,881m1a test for compass
156,1972,881omniauth-whichsignupapiOmniauth gem for logging into Which? via the signup API
156,1972,881money-distributed-eucbEuropean Central Bank fetcher for money-distributed gem
156,1972,881betforkerNo comments...
156,1972,881anusblasterpls ignore i am only test gem
156,1972,881danger-rspec_no_filterA danger plugin show warnings against fit, fcontext or your filter tag
156,2072,880ruby-google-suggestUses the Google Suggest API to generate keywords
156,2072,880staticmatic3StaticMatic helps you quickly create maintainable Amazon S3 static websites using t...
156,2072,880google_image_fetcherFetch images from Google by your search query
156,2072,880shigeruDefine routes for your apps independent of your routing. Then generate your URIs with a...
156,2072,880hello_kaoPuts 'Hello, Kao!'
156,2072,880zeroneConcurrent Decentral Transmedia Framework
156,2072,880darmani_game49A Darmani game
156,2142,879gemthiefA Ruby Roguelike Framework
156,2142,879awesome_gem_dheerajawesome_gem is the best
156,2142,879flowbyte-fooTesting dependency resolution with rubygems, one gem at a time
156,2142,879utterance_parserA trainable natural language parser that extracts intent and entities from utterances.
156,2142,879nci_location_calcCalculate the distance based on two positions LAT and LNG.
156,2142,879shrinker-rubyCreates a short url that redirects requests to long url