Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
156841-156860 of all 180,689 gems.
156,8362,840alexa-todoist_filterA command line tool for moving Alexa todos in Todoist into a user specified project.
156,8362,840magratheaStart the conversation in your project to use a dark-light theme structure with your CS...
156,8362,840web-archiveUtil for
156,8362,840okex-ruby-apiRuby gem for the OKEX Exchange API
156,8362,840piggybak_braintreeIntegration of Braintree payment gateway for use with Piggybak
156,8362,840js-mvcHere is a gem to set up an MVC for JS!
156,8472,839render_tableExtensible ruby html table building classes.
156,8472,839cache_keeperHave your cached methods refreshed asynchronously and automatically
156,8472,839nbascoresnba scores and schedule cli
156,8472,839erik-text-boxA textbox question type.
156,8472,839celluloid-imapA small, fast, evented, actor-based, highly customizable Ruby IMAP server.
156,8522,838logstash-output-logioThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
156,8522,838mailbox_injectorAdds simple mailbox to your Rails application.
156,8522,838colorthemeBeauty in coding
156,8522,838smerp-quotationThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
156,8522,838activeetlA new generation of production ready ETL in Ruby.
156,8522,838logstash-input-rethinkerCopy paste of old RethinkDB plugin to new logstash format
156,8522,838mercury_parserA tiny ruby wrapper for Mercury's content parser api
156,8592,837sixtytenA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
156,8592,837nokia-hereNokia Here map REST api.