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180661-180680 of all 181,378 gems.
180,653283itamae-plugin-resource-flatpakitamae-plugin-resource-flatpak is a Itamae resource plugin for Flatpak.
180,653283activerecord-yugabytedb-adapterYugabyteDB adapter for ActiveRecord.
180,663282parity_prop_99A gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
180,663282bp3-actiontextbp3-actiontext adapts actiontext for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3).
180,663282decidim-spam_signalSpam signal module for Decidim.
180,663282tailwind_ui_view_componentsTailwind UI View Components for Rails
180,663282jotdownjotdown is a short markdown
180,663282metronome_apimetronome_api 1.0.0
180,669281ruby-svgSimply Ruby wrapper to generate SVG files
180,669281raihaSuper wip.
180,669281gl-commandImplementation of the Command Pattern
180,669281xcresultscrapperThe tool parses xcresult and gives different types of reports
180,669281sorbet-optionAdds Typed::Option to sorbet-runtime, which is a basic, strongly-typed Option monad
180,669281hrepHREP is a simple hyperlink extraction and checking tool.
180,669281embulk-filter-addprefixEmbulk filter plugin to add arbitrary prefixes to all columns.
180,669281pluton8Building blocks for building API Clients
180,669281rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20240128[LILO&東海道らぐオフラインミーティング 2024-01-28](の発表資料です。
180,678280nithin_prime_gemA prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other t...
180,678280gtfskitRuby library and binding for the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)
180,678280parity_splitA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity