Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
156961-156980 of all 180,488 gems.
156,9552,807statsite-instrumentalStatsite sink for
156,9552,807logging-google-cloudGoogle Cloud Logging appender for the logging gem
156,9552,807trespassTest your non ActiveRecord Queries for SQL Injections
156,9552,807embulk-filter-protobufAn Embulk filter plugin for interconversion between Protocol Buffer message and JSON.
156,9652,806poise-monit-compatA deprecated Chef cookbook for managing the Monit process manager.
156,9652,806morchiSimple Gomoku library for not escape without being able to understand.
156,9652,806openliveAn API wrapper for OpenLIVE.
156,9652,806activeadmin_sortableExtends ActiveAdmin to provide a page on which to sort a model's instances.
156,9652,806sudokusolver_ngCommandline program and library for solving Sudoku puzzles
156,9652,806metrics-servlets-jarsGem package of Dropwizard's Metrics, a.k.a. Coda Hale's Metrics, a.k.a. Yammer's Metric...
156,9652,806encstrThis tool can pre-build c/c++/java source code and encrypt the strings within them.
156,9652,806jksinatraThis gem build a sinatra application with my usual template
156,9652,806aes-cbcThis is an easy-to-use encryption library specialized for aes-128-cbc.
156,9742,805omniauth-fablabsOmniAuth strategy for
156,9742,805fastlane-plugin-bump_android_versionBump Android Manifest Version
156,9742,805time_alertcould be a timer on cli
156,9742,805logging-flowdockAn appender for the Logging gem that sends messages to a Flowdock channel
156,9742,805rails-angular-xssPatches rails_xss so AngularJS interpolations are auto-escaped in unsafe strings.Forked...
156,9742,805refbiblio_alu0100505078"Referencias bibliograficas con lista doblemente enlazada"
156,9742,805rabbit-slide-kenhys-minidebconf-india2021MiniDebConf India 2021