Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157021-157040 of all 180,448 gems.
157,0172,795appsignal-exporterExporter for the AppSignal platform
157,0172,795termdotsconvert from image to Dot
157,0172,795sageone_sdkProvides Ruby methods for accessing the Sage One API endpoints.
157,0172,795bb_buildings_gemI will choose bb_buildings_gem!
157,0172,795ezcrypto2EzCrypto is an easy to use wrapper around the poorly documented OpenSSL ruby library.
157,0172,795dragonpay_paymentProcess your payment through Dragonpay API
157,0172,795kencharrorite a longer description or delete this line.
157,0172,795embulk-filter-azure_translator_apiAzure Translator Api
157,0172,795attachment_helperGenerate url and get filename from attachment path
157,0172,795rubypivotTransforming a dataset or array of hashes into a spreadsheet-style array
157,0312,794pr_migratorMigrate Pull requests from one repo to other
157,0312,794norikra-udf-redisNorikra UDF to execute operations on Redis, like incr, incrby, set, get etc.
157,0312,794oneapm_ciOneApm Cloud Insight SDK. (
157,0312,794bfcCompiles a brainf*** file to a binary executable via gcc
157,0312,794rbumlrbuml provides classes and a dsl for representing uml class relationships that can be r...
157,0312,794bogboni_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails App.
157,0312,794pg_flash_jsonThis gem allows you to rapidly generate large amount of json in an activerecord applica...
157,0312,794rabbit-slide-kenhys-ubuntu-streaming-meeting-2101Ubuntu Streaming Meeting 21.01
157,0312,794codeigniter3-scaffoldSimple scaffold generator for codeigniter 3.1.0 now using Twitter Bootstrap templates!
157,0402,793bunkerDigital Asset Management for Amazon Web Services