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Most downloads over all time
157201-157220 of all 180,477 gems.
157,1972,783snippets_for_espansoGem with methods to create simple snippets, or more complex snippets which invoke a for...
157,1972,783munificentThe core of Munificent, a game-bundle fundraising platform.
157,1972,783enquiry-consulsimple discovery service with consul
157,1972,783mvp:mvp: :mvp: :mvp:
157,1972,783minitest-metzMinitest::Metz is a Minitest plugin that under it's hood hide...
157,1972,783winrA quick and lightweight benchmarking tool for Ruby
157,2072,782activerecord-import_with_callbacksA library for bulk importing data using ActiveRecord
157,2072,782crossbrowserjsIf you don't want use CDN or download them manually, this is for you
157,2072,782fluent-plugin-zebrium_outputOutput plugin to Zebrium HTTP LOG COLLECTOR SERVER
157,2072,782omniauth-rescuetimeOmniAuth strategy for RescueTime
157,2072,782blinktRuby Library for Blinkt; 8 APA102 LEDs for your Raspberry Pi
157,2072,782embulk-input-sequenceGenerate sequential number.
157,2072,782rrbA gameserver framework written in Ruby targeting the 2006 era (or the 317-377 protocols...
157,2072,782wally_palindromeLearnEnough Ruby palindrome detector gem
157,2072,782rrrmateyRRRMatey is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for Riak, using the Basho Cache P...
157,2072,782redis_stream_loggerProvides a log device to send logs to a Redis stream
157,2072,782recochoku-chartFetches music chart data from
157,2072,782ruby-pvA handy progress monitor for long-running tasks
157,2072,782inoculateInoculate is a small, thread-safe dependency injection library configured entirely with...
157,2202,781ruby-llvm-nextRuby-LLVM is a Ruby language binding to the LLVM compiler infrastructure library.