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Most downloads over all time
157221-157240 of all 180,477 gems.
157,2202,781horodaterA handy little collection of timestamping functors.
157,2202,781series_checkerchecks if an array contains a series of arithmetic progression or geometric progression
157,2202,781rdupThis program finds duplicate files in multiple directories and interactively remove any...
157,2202,781rmanCommand as 'man' with randomness.
157,2202,781interactive_termRuby API for interactive terminal apps!
157,2202,781jekyll-log-wrapperA wrapper to make Jekyll's logger compliant
157,2202,781sidenoteA gem to allow side notes a la Edward Tufte on Github based Jekyll blogs
157,2202,781bash_helpBash scripting helpers for Ruby.
157,2202,781bridgetown-notablePlugin to host a Notable data directory
157,2202,781fluentd-plugin-cassandra-cqlfunctionFluent output plugin for Cassandra via Datastax Ruby Driver for Apache Cassandra
157,2202,781sluggable_cregisSlug Gem: to make URL more readable and improve SEO
157,2202,781chocolate_shellFor error handling
157,2332,780introduceAPI wrapper for Introduce (
157,2332,780lita-readifyAutomaticaly tracks links with tags on Readability
157,2332,780advocatelyAdvocately Ruby Client
157,2332,780airslie-engineerMaking Renalware plugin development easier
157,2332,780pipelinedeals-clientThis gem is to be interact with te pipelinedeals api.
157,2332,780ruboty-postgresstore memory of ruboty in postgresql
157,2332,780rack-merge-cookiesRack middleware to merge the user-defined header to cookies.
157,2332,780databranchImplements database branching in development and test by cloning the database automatic...